NEW Hillary email reveals aide told her ‘All your info is on the server’ – IOTW Report

NEW Hillary email reveals aide told her ‘All your info is on the server’

American Mirror: All of Hillary Clinton’s emails were saved and she knew it, according to an email released by the State Department on Friday.

In an email chain from 2012 between Clinton, Huma Abedin, Monica Hanley and Justin Cooper, Hillary complained she was having trouble with a Blackberry device.

“It comes back to life once I plug in the charger,” the one-time “most qualified presidential candidate in the history of the world” wrote to her aides on the evening of January 30.

“Should I try a new battery or get a new one,” she wrote, apparently referring to a new device.

“And, have we figured out to save all my info?” she ended.

“All of your info is on the sever (sic) which you can access on any web enabled,” Cooper responded. “The berries have a capacity — which may be part of why yours isn’t working.”

“Thanks for your help,” Hillary wrote back. more

16 Comments on NEW Hillary email reveals aide told her ‘All your info is on the server’

  1. can’t someone please put her out of our misery? …. what an enormous shit stain on the United States

    … come on Bill! … you gave us this curse … time to do your part! Save the Country!

  2. The gouch eyed old hag is due for another stroke. It is to be hoped that it doesn’t kill her. It would be better if she was all screwed up and miserable for a decade or so before death.

  3. She hangs over this nation like the big disgusting matzoh ball of criminality that she is, and the FBI and DOJ still pretends we can’t see or hear or SMELL all this crap?!?!
    I wipe my ass with their resumes.

    There is NO one in federal government with ANY credibility except President Trump, (“if I am elected, you’re going to jail”).
    I also didn’t appreciate the conservative SC justices blowing off his State of the Union speech.

  4. There’s constant noise about national security and sensitive information being at risk.
    As if there were any left the enemies of the U.S. don’t already have thanks to the dems.

  5. If only we had someone to investigate her. Some federal bureau that had the job of investigations. A bureau that was honest from the top down and knew and understood the Constitution of the United States. And no political ties of course.
    If only.

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