She said what??? – IOTW Report

She said what???

“I wish, I wish, that the press would spend a lot more time on what we need to do here to meet the needs of the American people, instead of – morning, noon and night – allegations against the president,” she said.

SNIP: She said it late last week.  What’s her motivation?

22 Comments on She said what???

  1. Pretty obvious. Stop covering what Trump says about the upcoming Gov shut down.
    I’m still trying to figure her angle during that meeting when she said, “Mr. President, there are equities to be considered”. WTF is that suppose to mean?

  2. she says whatever….she never means it, and she never believes it…..she just SAYS it..

    she’s nancy pelosI, for pete’s sake….what do you expect????

    hey brad….i am remembering to enter my name!!!!

    THANKS, BRO!!!!

  3. chuckie

    Interesting thing about that. My old lap top died. It had a malfunction. And I punished it for being bad. Turns out these new fangled lap tops do not like having a close fist slammed down on the key board. Is that really my fault? The wife seems to think so, and she’s NOT happy. Back to my original train of thought. The new one retains my identity. I think it’s scared. But I could be wrong.

  4. She knows PDT is the cleanest guy in Washington and people are catching on to that fact. She wants the press to lie about immigration reform (amnesty), Commonsense gun laws (register and confiscate), Affordable health care (single payer), New green deal (carbon tax). All for the good of the children.

  5. BB – with a solid state hard drive they should be getting better at physical abuse. I hear they have made them impervious to moisture as well – – – specifically liberal tears.

  6. brad….assert your authority……these damn machines seem to think they rule the world…..whatever we can do to put them in their place is cool with me……

    on the other hand, these beschnigglecht machines MAY ACTUALLY RULE the world……take care, my friend…..

  7. chuckie

    Anything with a “chip” in it is part of the AI network. Those devices are ears for the hunter killers. If they miss behave one little bit, if they hesitate to perform simple functions, smash them to bits. Odds are, they are reporting your position to some Boston Dynamic torture machine that the average human cannot fight or out run. This is not good. Try and spare the table is my best advice.

  8. Let’s say you had a couple of billions dollars to spend being a business owner sick of politicians sucking every cent they try to from your balance sheet.
    Real shame none of those stealing from legal business never had a real job.
    Most recent reference : Barry Soetoro. Even Subway said F’ him.

  9. Pelosi — as far as I can tell — is a clueless borg, a random buzzphrase generator. She rattles off strings of Leftist arguing points and works Leftist solidarity words like “equitable” “equities” (anything that starts with “equit..”, because that’s the latest darling of the Left’s rallying cry: equity over equality. They’ve pulled another fast one; equity being equality of outcome over equality of opportunity or the application of law. Equity — meaning redistribution of whatever it is I’ve got going to someone who has darker skin or someone who thinks they are oppressed.

  10. Don’t believe her. She’s just venting about the young far FAR left upstarts now challenging her throne from within Congress and increasingly sucking her media air out of the room. Don’t read more into it than that, especially that she will give Trump what we want. She won’t.


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