‘She still has a month to apologize.’ – IOTW Report

‘She still has a month to apologize.’

Parent Asks if They’d Be Wrong if They Don’t Give Their Daughter a 16th Birthday Party.

28 Comments on ‘She still has a month to apologize.’

  1. More evidence that I am of a generation that finds the current culture totally baffling.

    I will never understand the popularity of Reddit sites like AITA and WIBTA. Why would you look to strangers for ethical advice? Do you not have your own moral compass, your own set of values that are time tested, and why so little confidence in your own ability to assess the situation and do what you think is right for your own family?

  2. Luckily, and due to my Incredible WIFE, My daughter is NOTHING LIKE This BRAT.

    ME, However, I can be VERY VINDICTIVE.
    VINDICTIVE ENOUGH to GIVE THE BULLIED GIRL A New Bike, Gift Cards To Nice Stores and Restaurant Vouchers. $$$

    I refuse to be blackmailed or held emotionally hostage.

  3. I got my drivers license when I turned 16 and that was from the MVR who didn’t turn out to be good friends after all. They took it away before I turned 18….

  4. TIL
    And yes, I probably am.
    Having been adopted by a post menopausal couple, I was raised with a double generation gap. Instilled with 40 yo values, work hard and “Do unto others,….
    Idle threats have 0 value, I hope they cancel the party and more.

  5. Daughter, Mother, and Father are ALL assholes.

    M&D assholes should have severely punished the brat asshole immediately after the offense, not let things slide this long.

  6. Uncle Al – The mom wrote that she and the father confiscated all her presents from the girl’s 15th party and donated them to charity. That’s a pretty big punishment. It would have been big enough to get my attention, anyway.

    Sounds like this daughter needs to be grounded for a few months and earn back all her electronics privileges. No social posting, etc. At 16, though, it’s getting pretty late to teach her about gratitude. Me thinks this has been a long time in the works and somehow this isn’t a problem that just presented itself in the last couple years. Her parents may not have modeled the behavior, but they may have given her too long a leash when she hit adolescence, and let her go Lord of the Flies with her girlfriends.

  7. …sounds like her grandparents need a good spanking, too.

    And: “Sweet 16” parties are all about out-spending and out-doing your peers. Kids don’t understand that it is tantamount to buying “friends” and social stature. These kind of girls are the ones who wind up on “Bridezilla.” Ugh.

  8. “…ruining her social life…”

    The social life of a 16 year old?

    I spend more time on the back of a tractor every week than I spend time “socializing”.

  9. consequences need to be immediate and shocking. this has gone long past the due date. should have done a face to face apology the moment of notice. dont give them time to think a way out of it. i remember seeing some below average grades from my kid and immediately discarded all his school clothes, drove him to walmart for a new wardrobe. grades were up next semester and he was looking sharp too. walmart grades get walmart clothes. saved enough money not buying fancy pants to get some new tools, made sure he knew about it.

  10. My own mother would have said immediately, “You go apologize to that girl right now or I’m going to blister your bare bottom – right now. I don’t care how old you are.”

  11. Generations of Americans have been taught the State and Godless, fellow nihilistic travelers have all the answers in life. Doesn’t matter they have no clue and cave to misguided peer pressure, influenced by a warped culture.
    Generations who never learned to live by God designed moral disciplines and leadership roles of parents. Children are to obey their parents (one biological man and one biological woman) rules to be accountable for their actions. This creates a civil society of law abiding adults.

    But, no. We have a majority of immature parents guessing how to raise children. Spoiling or neglecting their children in the process.

    This brat in the article shouldn’t get any recognition for her 16th birthday. An apology won’t fix her attitude, but losing a privilege might. Doubt her idiot parents have enough fortitude to do deny the narcissist they’re “raising” her birthday party.

  12. “According to her best friend (15F), who told us what happened, my daughter seemed to like the gift at first and asked her friend where she bought it from.”

    That’s the part that really sticks in my craw. Teenagers can be real assholes sometimes.

  13. That fact that the parents are even asking the question is a good indication of why the daughter acts they way she does. Sorry mom, but she did learn the behavior in your home. Maybe times have really changed but a dinner party at a restaurant (sounds like without adults)for a 15 year old is stupidly indulgent in my book. This little princess has been ruling the roost from the get go. No more parties!

  14. One thing that hasn’t been covered is that she needs to grow up first. Sixteen is a milestone or landmark birthday. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out here and many of her friends are the “mean girls club.”

  15. “… both sets of grandparents are telling us that we are being too harsh and ruining her social life.”

    I think I’ve stumbled on a clue right there where this shit originated and was nurtured.

  16. One thing that has not been addressed yet. Genuine repentance is effectuated in several distinct actions; feeling contrition in one’s heart, a public display to the injured party of this contrition and remorse, and then an overt act of making the injured party whole. This last part could involve something like a renewed effort of friendship with this girl and an acknowledgment of the value the friendship holds.

    At this point, the apology is meaningless, more likely to be viewed as a hoop the girl has to jump through to get her dopey party.

  17. @ Rich Taylor AT 12:24 PM

    An insincere pseudo apology is far worse that saying fuck you. It ools no one and its intent is to add insult to injury.

    I have said exactly that to a few individuals in my life and by the explosion of rage it set off it is apparent that most know damn well that I have their number. Having their pseudo apologies accepted as genuine reinforces their belief that they are intellectually superior, have gotten over on some benighted and gullible rube once again.

    The fuckers lose their shit when someone doesn’t play along. That isn’t supposed to happen and they don’t know how to deal with it. They flip out.


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