She Wanted Equal Rights… – IOTW Report

She Wanted Equal Rights…

And Lefts.

23 Comments on She Wanted Equal Rights…

  1. Not going to stop until 30% of them are
    shot dead….. 57% of all violent crime
    in America is caused by 13% of the population.
    You can see these violent ferals in front of
    my driveway threatening murder & arson. jorel lazer
    youtube channel.

  2. Sorry, but I disagree. You don’t hit a woman, period! No matter how much she deserves it. You walk away. If she comes after you to escalate the conflict, end it right there and move on. This is an indicator of your future with her. It won’t end well.

  3. @ stirrin the pot FRIDAY, 8 DECEMBER 2023, 19:18 AT 7:18 PM

    You know what they say, “There’s no reason to ever hit a woman.” Shit! There’s a reason to hit everybody. You just don’t do it. Shit, there’s a reason to kick an old man down a flight of stairs. You just don’t do it. Ain’t nobody above an ass-whooping.

    Chris Rock

  4. Geez, that video had it all – Halloween vampire teeth, jean shorts (those are back in now??), Abercrombie and Fitch belt (those are back in now??), dude wearing a thong (fuggin’ weirdo) and a Latina manager that probably gets cussed out under the rest of the crew’s breath.

  5. ^^^^^
    “A harmless man is not a good man”. Jordan Peterson.

    You better start working on understanding violence, because odds are it’s coming. And there is no second place and there is no one coming to save you. What’s the threat? Pick one.


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