She wanted to experience the Arab world – IOTW Report

She wanted to experience the Arab world

Now she’s dead. Stabbed to death by Cousin It in a full burqa.

ht/ finai


21 Comments on She wanted to experience the Arab world

  1. This, of course, is tragic and awful. Muslim animals, being Muslim animals.

    A blonde-haired, blue-eyed mother of twin eleven year old boys. Cut to ribbons.

    But a question here. Is not her main purpose on Earth to be the mother and protector of those boys? So why is she raising them, without their father, in the Middle East? Does this person not own a TV, or has she not seen a newspaper? Is she another of the perpetually deluded who thought that her efforts would “build a bridge” between our two cultures? Or was the money so good that she thought it worth the risk? If so, she was wrong on both counts.

    Look, I’ll say what I always say about matters like this. When you have kids, especially minor aged children, you don’t get to go on dangerous adventures anymore. You shouldn’t be climbing K2, or diving out of planes, or base jumping, or living among known enemies.

    I’m not saying you CAN’T do it. I’m saying you’re bit of a selfish prick if you do.

    Eleven is a horrible age to loose your Mom.

    But folks need to wake up. If your sum understanding of the Muslim world is that a little Kumbaya hand holding is gonna change shit, well, that might…will… get you killed.

  2. I guess the positive visualization of her desired reality just wasn’t enough. I wonder how many people (read: men) she argued with about her decision before she “experienced” the Middle East for real.

  3. I trust the Abu Dhabi cops about as much as I trust the NYPD. I’ll bet the real killer in the black tent is the chief of police who, like almost all arab men, is having a bit of a gender identity crisis that is playing merry hell with his worship of Islam. I wonder how many of the martyrs with the 72 virgins they get rewarded with are boys. Probably a lot, an awful lot.

  4. Two thoughts,
    1) How the heck did they identify the killer! Especially, once he/she left the place.
    2) It is interesting that in so many horror stories, movies, and TV shows, even ancient art, DEATH is personified like this creepy figure.

    Just makes me wonder; how long have these harbingers of terror and death been part of man’s existence. Interesting looking at the modifications as worn by ISIS terrorists.

  5. I “experienced” Arab culture on September 11, 2001.

    In New York City.

    Three miles away, and I still had to hold a damp cloth over my nose so I wouldn’t breathe in all the dust and smoke. The contents of filing cabinets in the South Tower rained down on me after the building was hit. Three days later, I watched trucks carrying body bags and cadaver-sniffing dogs winding their way along the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, en route to the dsaster site.

    This woman was nuts.

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