She Wasn’t Having Any Of It. – IOTW Report

She Wasn’t Having Any Of It.

Blazing Cat Fur: Commuters in Washington got into a raging confrontation with climate activists on their way to the nation’s capital Friday, with one even threatening to shoot protesters blocking the highway.

A group called Declare Emergency, which is demanding President Joe Biden declare a ‘climate emergency,’ sat themselves down on I-395, one of the main routes to Washington, and refused to get up.

That soon prompted a furious backlash from drivers. One woman got out of her car and threatened the rabble with a gun if they refused to let her past to go see her mom, while an irate man ripped placards out of the group’s hands and tossed them above the median and onto the other side of the interstate. WATCH

15 Comments on She Wasn’t Having Any Of It.

  1. I think corporal punishment is the way to go. Arrest, try, convict and sentence to getting beaten with large sticks to within an inch of their lives.

    I’d vote for that.

  2. If you have an opinion on a phony “crisis” that’s fine.
    It’s a free country (anymore that’s a sorta), but you don’t have the right to interfere with other people. People are fed up with the Left trying to shove their agenda down our throats and up our collective asses!
    Global Cooling, Acid Rain, Global Warming, Climate Pause, Climate Change or whutever they’re calling it THIS decade, I followed the science and didn’t find any! Oddly enough when you follow the money all of a sudden you find the “science”!

  3. I think we need a law that allows drivers to drive slowly toward (and over) protestors as long as they are warned first. Any resulting injuries would be deemed self-inflicted.
    This law, wherever it is enacted, would put an end to this nonsense.

  4. Some other bright ideas from the link: squirtguns/sprayers with bleach, ammonia (combine the two? stand back!), a fire extinguisher, and muriatic acid.
    I would add: carry a pressurized paintball gun. Lots of fun.

  5. Men should be ready to deploy from their vehicles in cases like this, render a “tune-up” to the offending protesters and drag then to the turf shoulder. Mount-up and leave, letting the chips fall where they may.

    It’s difficult enough to have to deal with modern “bosses”, of whatever 57 genders, without coming in to work late as well.


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