Sheila Jackson Lee Puts Out New Ad Telling Supporters the Wrong Day to Vote – IOTW Report

Sheila Jackson Lee Puts Out New Ad Telling Supporters the Wrong Day to Vote


Democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has released a new ad — but accidentally told her voters to head to the polls on the wrong day.

Jackson Lee is campaigning against Texas Senator John Whitmire for the Houston mayoral runoff election.

In the ad, Jackson Lee tells voters, “if we’re gonna bring down crime, fix our streets, and bring good paying jobs here, then Houston needs a champion who’s ready to fight for what’s right. And I am.”

The ad then urges people to vote on December 7th or earlier.

However, the election actually takes place on Saturday, December 9th. more

29 Comments on Sheila Jackson Lee Puts Out New Ad Telling Supporters the Wrong Day to Vote

  1. @Thomas Jefferson…

    In April, 1820, President Jefferson wrote:

    “We have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other.”

    Also sums up our current situation.

  2. Bottom line; those of you with room-temperature IQ’s tend to be very annoying to those of us with Texas summer or better IQ’s.
    Especially when you’re put in charge of anything.

  3. Unless it’s in a display case or on a store shelf 99.99% of her voters won’t see it. You can’t advertise to the smash and grab voters on TV.

  4. When is Lee going to be arrested, tried, and convicted for “voting disinformation”? And she doesn’t even have the excuse of satire or sarcasm.

  5. Granted, we don’t read the load fish-wraps nor watch TV, but I have noticed something interesting:

    I see ads for Whitmire on at least half of the YouTube videos I see, and a see a lot. We heat mailers probably three times a week. A canvasser for Whitmire came to our door. One of the mailers was specific to our City Council district.

    Lee? I have seen ONE ad. I don’t know if she thinks her district will bail her out, or if Dominion or it’s brethren will bail her out, or if she has the vote counters on her payroll, or what. It is almost as if she doesn’t care. Considering that many people today don’t watch TV or read local newspapers, it seems odd that she would put all her eggs in that basket (if that is the case). Maybe she thinks all of Houston feels the same way about her as her district does.

    The thought of Lee winning is like the guy who watched his mother-in-law crash his Corvette off a cliff; it would be great to see her out of the House, but she could be more damage locally as Mayor.

    The House’s loss would be Houston’s loss.

  6. Jaxon Lee… Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee! Cultural appropriation! Back to your slave name @#%&*! Maybe it was Andrew Jackson… but he was a hard ass honky mo-fo too.


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