Shemeka Michelle in Beverly Hills – IOTW Report

Shemeka Michelle in Beverly Hills

“Jim Crow Joe” betrayed Black people in 1994. Why should we give him another chance?

h/t Big Red.

6 Comments on Shemeka Michelle in Beverly Hills

  1. It is so important that in November we rescue America!
    It is so important that in November we vote Red!
    It is so important that in November we vote Donald J. Trump!
    And in so doing we send a big Fuck You to the democRATz for destroying our cities, stomping on the Constitution and to the Mainstream Media for lying their asses off to us!

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.•´
    Fuck You Democratz and your Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media!!


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