Shep Smith is tanking – IOTW Report

Shep Smith is tanking

Boo hoo! Shepard Smith is tanking at CNBC after leaving Fox News.

American Thinker:

By Thomas Lifson
Legions of the conservative viewers who made Fox News the number-one cable news channel celebrated when Shepard Smith departed its lineup in 2019.  According to the Daily Beast in 2019, he ditched his $15-million salary in the middle of a three-year contract because of criticism from higher-rated conservatives at Fox, including Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity.  I had come to the point where I switched channels when he came on because his snarky anti-conservative commentary was unbearable.

Smith took his time returning to the TV news business, and according to this Daily Beast story yesterday, he was in discussion with a number of other broadcasters including CBS before finally landing a job with CNBC, the business news channel owned by Comcast, reportedly receiving $5 to 6 million a year.  Interestingly, this Beast article pegged his Fox salary at $30 million.  Either estimate would mean Smith is paying a high price for avoiding criticism from colleagues.

The Beast writers hilariously describe Smith as “[a] traditional broadcast anchor with little appetite for the partisan or ideological programming,” given how often he made nasty comments about then-president Trump.  But it does tell us a lot about the ideological blinders worn by leftists in the agitprop media.

But even with a big salary cut, it looks as though Smith has turned out to be no bargain for his new employers at the Comcast subsidiary.  His ratings have tanked, he doesn’t get along with his new colleagues, and he is unhappy. more

19 Comments on Shep Smith is tanking

  1. ain’t that a shame?


    …. (catching breath)………….


  2. Shep could get a job at the Homo News Network (HNN). Or CNN, for that matter.

    He and Cooper would really hit it off, in the men’s (???) room at CNN HQ, last stall on the left.

  3. “His ratings have tanked, he doesn’t get along with his new colleagues, and he is unhappy.”

    Maybe he isn’t getting enough protein in his diet.

  4. He may be a homosexual, but so is Milo.

    Shepard Smith was an arrogant asshole at Fox News. His success was simply his riding the coattails of the popular Fox conservative hosts.

    Now he’s been exposed as a big a hack as Kamala Harris – and probably sucked as many filthy dicks.

  5. I don’t remember too much about the guy. When I had a TV – back in the Katrina day, we would watch Smith. After his phony acting over the Katrina flood, we turned him off and never watched him again. I think that’s around the time we ditched the TV and haven’t ever replaced it and probably never will. I can control everything I see and read on the internet. If I don’t like what I’m seeing or whose saying what, I can turn it off with a click.


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