Sheriff David Clarke: Riots Caused by ‘Failed Liberal Urban Policies in These Ghettos Like Milwaukee’ – IOTW Report

Sheriff David Clarke: Riots Caused by ‘Failed Liberal Urban Policies in These Ghettos Like Milwaukee’

Breitbart: Monday on Fox Business Network, while commenting on the weekend of riots in Milwaukee sparked by the shooting death of an armed African-American man by a black police officer, Milwaukee Co., WI Sheriff David Clarke blamed “failed liberal urban policies” as a cause for those riots.

Clarke said, “Well, first of all, the social order in Milwaukee totally collapsed on Saturday night. When the social order collapses, tribal behavior takes over. When tribal behavior takes over, the law of the jungle replaces the rule of law and that’s why you end up with what you saw. Last night was a little better. Not good enough for me.  MORE

12 Comments on Sheriff David Clarke: Riots Caused by ‘Failed Liberal Urban Policies in These Ghettos Like Milwaukee’

  1. a patriot who was the son of an arm ranger patriot

    it’s always refreshing to have a shining example of a well-spoken black conservative who does not fit the leftist narrative and is a constant and painful burr under their saddle

  2. Sheriff Clarke has impressed me every time I’ve seen him. He has good things to say no matter what color you are. If Trump wins I bet there is a role for him somewhere. If clinton wins he will have to watch his back.

  3. Joe6 absolutely, Sheriff Clarke is a direct threat to the Clinton plantation and school of thought.
    An educated, sentient black man?
    CANNOT abide that!
    He is the antithesis of the black man they want to keep enslaved.
    They would metaphorically lynch him the first chance they get.

  4. I know teachers who teach in urban inner city schools. The most difficult thing for them to accept is that their students largely believe they have no future regardless of what they do. They will “graduate” from high school – many of them with no basic skills like elementary reading and math – and then get a check from the government. School is a waste of time because they perceive no opportunity in the real world.

    This is a direct consequence of liberal give away programs. We will feed you, clothe you, house you and pretend you have educational opportunities – and all you have to do is vote for us. We will encourage you to do little to nothing for yourself, and shift the blame to the white racists – and remember that all whites are secretly racist.

    I, for one, have never bought into these programs. I want black America to succeed – productive people add value to our society, productive people are largely law abiding, and productive people are not a drain on our national treasury. Their life is more fulfilled, their quality of life is better, and incidently my quality of life is better as well. It’s a win-win.

    As a white male, no one will listen to me – the black community needs black leaders who will urge blacks to quit playing the victim card and get with the program. This doesn’t mean turning white or playing Uncle Tom (whatever that really means), it means turning the black culture around so that urban black communities are not populated with feral gang bangers who spawn numerous illegitimate children who grow up in single parent households and believe they have no legitimate future. It means stop listening to white limousine liberals and no-nothing educators who hide in exclusive gated communities spouting their bullshit about which they know nothing, and start listening to common Americans without assuming that everything (or frequently anything) is racist. Clean up your communities, and you will get businesses back that cater both to local black residents and which may draw in white customers as well. If blacks want to be progressive, progress to the state where their neighborhoods consist of stable families, low crime rates and productive citizens.

    Our current crop of Democrat politicians, including the President, has done more in the past 8 years to promote racism that anything I can remember since the mid-1960s. For this they cannot be forgiven, and I hope that people like Sheriff Clarke can reverse some of the damage being done.

    Rant done.

  5. You know, if I just arrived and was only exposed to Sheriff Clarke and Michael Bloomberg, I would identify with Clake and think I should vote Democra, because he’s got the freedom thing down while Bloomie is trying to take their freedoms away.

  6. “… I want black America to succeed …”

    First step is to Wake the Fuck Up.
    Second step is to stop thinking of themselves as “black Americans” and start thinking of themselves as “Americans.”
    Third step is to demand the cessation of “Free Shit” and insist on “Freedom” – the freedom to succeed or fail on their own initiative.
    Fourth step is to learn to read, write, and do Arithmetic.
    Fifth step is to discern the difference between facts and Bullshit.
    Sixth step is to quit whining about “slavery” and understand that it is a human condition, not racial, and certainly not an insurmountable obstacle to success.

    Aw, fuck it … where’s my ObolaPhone?

    izlamo delenda est …

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