Sheriff: Would-Be Burglar Got ‘His Butt Whipped’ by 66-Year-Old Man – IOTW Report

Sheriff: Would-Be Burglar Got ‘His Butt Whipped’ by 66-Year-Old Man


Florida’s Brevard County Sheriff William Ivey said 29-year-old Blake Robinson was caught allegedly trying to the burglarize a car and got “his butt whipped” by the vehicle’s 66-year-old owner.

FOX News reported the incident occurred early Thursday.

Sheriff Ivey used a Facebook post to explain the 66-year-old owner of the vehicle heard strange noises outside his home and discovered Robinson allegedly trying to gain entry into the 66-year-old’s car.

The 66-year-old came back inside, called 911, then went back out, where things got physical.

9 Comments on Sheriff: Would-Be Burglar Got ‘His Butt Whipped’ by 66-Year-Old Man

  1. We aging guys arent delusional enough to think we can go 10 rounds with a healthy 20 yo, and we learned a lot of tricks along the way to shut this shit down quickly and definitively.

    Like this guy did.

    Dont screw with an old man.

    He KNOWS he has to end you quick to ensure his OWN survival, and wont play around getting there.

  2. Replying to SNS – same goes for “old women”. I am 72 and have had to defend myself a few times in 1977 in France and while living in Toronto. As Miss Congeniality taught – just “SING” which stands for Solar, Instep, Nose and Groin. Works every time I have had to employ this method.

  3. Big Momma
    MONDAY, 1 JULY 2024, 14:03 AT 2:03 PM
    “As Miss Congeniality taught – just “SING” which stands for Solar, Instep, Nose and Groin. Works every time I have had to employ this method.”

    …I like that, gonna have to share with my wife.

    She carries a Kimber .45 though, and shoots better than me, so hopefully it doesnt get that intimate…

  4. I’m 61…I just did 20 Minutes on the Bowflex Max….Hit 30 Golf Balls….60

    Push ups.. 60 Reps of Curls (30lb -35lb-40lb-40lb-35lb-30lb) and I was Drinking

    Beer the whole time…..Train like You Fight…

  5. I told both my daughters if anyone ever tries to attack them to kick him in the nuts as hard as they can or grab his zipper and give it a good yank to do maximum damage to his pecker. My youngest daughter carries bear spray and
    a tazer to stun these bastards. And if that that doesn’t work my son and I will be glad to finish them off.

  6. God works in mysterious ways. I’ve always been a gym rat so I can’t say I’m in better shape now than when I was 30. What I can say is I’m in better shape than most 30 year olds. I’m in the gym at 6:30 6 days a week. I spend an hour on chest, back, arms and shoulders. 45 minutes on legs. I hit a heavy bag and a rhythm bag 20 minutes a night. And I owe it all to throat cancer. Not sure how it will end up, lol, but so far so good. I just turned 68.

  7. To look at the booking pic, the perp doesn’t look NEARLY butt whipped enough.


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