Sheriffs Condemn Gavin Newson’s Gun Control Efforts – IOTW Report

Sheriffs Condemn Gavin Newson’s Gun Control Efforts

gavin newsome

CPR: Riverside County Sheriff Stan Sniff and San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon are criticizing Gavin Newsom’s current gun control push as a misdirected effort that restricts law-abiding citizens and the Second Amendment, rather than criminals.

Sheriff McMahon, in particular, suggests that Newsom’s push exemplifies the habit of enacting more and more gun controls when there has been no effort to enforce the laws that are already on the books. McMahon said, “We still have people running around with guns that aren’t supposed to have them.”  MORE

16 Comments on Sheriffs Condemn Gavin Newson’s Gun Control Efforts

  1. Gun laws give government more control over law-abiding citizens. If you resist, you have now broken the law and they can take away everything from you. If you weren’t law-abiding to begin with then you also aren’t providing anything of value to the government, so they have no interest in you.
    Just ask Lavoy Finicum.

  2. Left Coast Dan,

    “Gun laws give government more control over law-abiding citizens. If you resist, you have now broken the law and they can take away everything from you.”

    Exactly. However, non of the LEO’s I talk to on a daily basis are going to enforce any of this bullshit. As a matter of fact, the LEO’s by and large are on OUR side regarding these laws.

    This begs the question: Who is TRULY in charge; Newsome, or the citizenry.

    Build a ghost gun – even if you don’t live in CA.

  3. I have a simple reply to the LoFo’s out there who swallow the putrid gun-control bait.

    1) Approx 30,000 lives a year ended by firearms. That’s far less than lives lost from auto wrecks. Let’s ban automobiles!
    2) Of that 30k, approx 20,000 are self-inflicted suicides
    3) of the remaining 10,000 firearm-related deaths, 9,000 are gang-related. Get the criminal gangs off the street by locking them up and 90% of your actual murders are gone.
    4) of the remaining 1,000 deaths, those are a mix of other crimes and self-defense justifiable homicides. Of all the 30,000 firearm-deaths per year, only 100 are from semi-automatic Modern Sporting Rifles (aka AR-type and AK-type rifles)
    4) there are over 300 million legally-owned firearms in America. Firearms aren’t the problem – lack of enforcing existing gun laws is the problem. Do. The. Math.

    Answer emotional lies with calm FACTS.

  4. His bills he’s trying to get on the ballet are redundant to what Brown already signed. WTF? How much is this costing the tax payer? Plus the petition to referendum the bills Brown just signed looks to be successful. So I guess we are going to be voting on redundant bills that all have the same end result. It’s freaken stupid.

  5. “As a matter of fact, the LEO’s by and large are on OUR side regarding these laws.”

    The one department I have knowledge of their opinion on these matters, agrees with you.

    I’m only concerned about Loretta’s recent graduation to agreeing with an international policing and a future federalizing of the police in general.

    I didn’t think it could be done to the military, but where are the red-blooded, oath keeping, resisters now? Retired against their will. Who’s in their place? Ass-lickers with loyalty to a personality instead of the Constitution that are willing to fire on American civilians.

  6. 😀 “Answer emotional lies with calm FACTS.”

    This is SO true. The liberal I unintentionally sent into a tizzy last Saturday lost his cool because he only had talking points with no facts.

    It drove him crazy when I calmly asked things like: So, is it your opinion that a 100 pound woman is safer from being raped by a 200 lb man if she is prevented from having a gun? How does that work? While his GF sat right there.

    Is it your opinion that criminals will start being law abiding and not have any guns because you wrote these gun ban words down on a piece of paper somewhere?

    He actually walked over to me to stand over me trying to intimidate me while he jabbed his finger and repeated the liberal talking points. His GF is a long time family friend and thought it was funny he was getting bent while I’m just answering calmly.

    Her: “He gets all excited when talking politics.” Me: ‘I can see that’. Her with a smile: “And you’re so calm.” I smiled and nodded. All said right in front of him as the steam started coming out his ears.

    By the way, he’s way too small to intimidate any man of conviction. My being nonplussed by his attempts made his tizzy turn into fits and he couldn’t even form words – much less harm me. As I was leaving, I told them “I love y’all and I’ll see you later”. Nothing from him….. 😀

    I think she had a few words for him after I left. He called within the hour and apologized for his behavior, Telling me that being her long time friend (33 yrs) means I can’t be all bad.

    You know he’s going to slip in snide remarks he thinks is clever and devastating in the future. Now I need to have a reference card for him to start his homework on. Just words are not enough. One subject at a time though. Don’t want to blow the fuse box in his head.

  7. “As a matter of fact, the LEO’s by and large are on OUR side regarding these laws.”
    Maybe so maybe not, but in any case they will enforce the law because that’s their job. Especially the LEO’s in CA. Remember the video the harmless old lady being ‘disarmed’ by a CHP during hurricane Katrina?

    They said “We never thought we’d be doing this in our own country”, but they did it.(see video)
    They said they were doing it to get people to evacuate, but they didn’t evacuate anybody (except a few like Patricia Konie), just disarmed anybody that they knew had weapons. (see video).
    If you don’t need firearms to provide yourself and family with adequate protection during an emergency, when would you?

    LEO will disarm you if they are told to. simple.

  8. Dad of 4 – I saw an article recently that posed the following ‘dilemma’ – the fema camps are not for discontented or non-pliable folks (aka rebellious non-conformists). They are actually for the families of LEOs and military types. In effect, the families will be hostages to insure that the LE community/military do what they are told. Seems plausible to me, why try to lock up 100 million gun owners when you could lock away the families of around 3 million – that’s about the total of those groups right now.

  9. @ GomeznSA

    Sounds plausible. No idea how things are going to shake out. Now we’re seeing “Financial crash on 27 Sept. planned”

    Hope and pray it’s just another false thing, but you never know.

    Actually shutting down the banking system will wreak all kinds of havoc with the populace. Evil? Yes. Considering the effort to destroy Western civilization, I wouldn’t say they won’t do it.

  10. The reason Conservatives lose is BECAUSE we argue with facts. FACTS DON’T MATTER….for the thousandth time.

    We should argue with EMOTION, like they do.

    Trump argued his illegal immigration stance with the mothers of the dead children on stage. The left had kittens.

    We need to start using our brains before we have to go to the bullet box.

  11. Sheriffs arrest Newsom for violating constitutional rights.
    Come to city hall and kick him in the ass while they have him in stocks for a week.
    Next week, bring your own pillows, we will supply the tar.

    [that still wouldn’t be enough to get me to move back to Caliphornia. Might visit though]

  12. “We need to start using our brains before we have to go to the bullet box.”

    It’s to late if Trump is defeated. At that time we only have one method of restoring the Republic. There’s no waiting for the next perfect conservative to run. The only way we get it back is go on the offensive. It’s no longer a question of living off your freeze dried food.

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