‘She’s A Piece Of S***’ — Claire McCaskill Ignites Feud With Missouri Democrat Just Days Before Election – IOTW Report

‘She’s A Piece Of S***’ — Claire McCaskill Ignites Feud With Missouri Democrat Just Days Before Election


Democratic Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill sparked a fierce backlash from a Democratic legislator in her home state after listing her as an example of a “crazy Democrat.”

In a scathing series of tweets on Monday and Tuesday, Missouri Democratic state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal referred to McCaskill as “Dixie Claire,” described her as a “piece of shit,” compared her to a slave owner and accused “McCaskill and her racist democratic friends” of alienating the party’s base voters.

McCaskill raised eyebrows in the final weeks of the midterm campaign by running a radio ad that described McCaskill as “not one of those crazy Democrats.”

When pressed on Monday for examples of “crazy Democrats,” McCaskill pointed to Chappelle-Nadal, who sparked outrage in 2017 by calling for President Donald Trump’s assassination.

“We have a state Senator here in Missouri that actually advocated for the assassination of President Trump. That’s a crazy Democrat,” McCaskill said in an interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier.

McCaskill’s swipe at Chappelle-Nadal provoked a sharp response. read more

17 Comments on ‘She’s A Piece Of S***’ — Claire McCaskill Ignites Feud With Missouri Democrat Just Days Before Election

  1. Oooh oooh oooh cat fight!

    My money’s on Chapelle-Nadal for the shiv. She’s a trained “resister sister” from the Mike Brown protests.

    I doubt Claire’s new Trump supporting twin will show up, afterall she’s traveling the backroads of Missouri in her luxury tour bus, (at least to the areas where her private jet can’t land).

  2. McCaskill raised eyebrows in the final weeks of the midterm campaign by running a radio ad that described McCaskill as “not one of those crazy Democrats.”

    Your voting record says differently, Senator.

  3. I think this is a set up. Chappelle-Nadal is term-limited out and has nothing to lose. She is from St. Louis, which is solid Democrat and would support McCaskill even if the Devil Himself appeared on video claiming that McCaskill is his daughter.

  4. Can you feel it? Can you feel the way the blue desperation just clings to the air? When a cold desperation front collides with a hot desperation front get the kids to the basement because the left just declared “it’s-all-you-can-eat-us”.

    It’s going to get freaky to the deaky with full frontal ugly and I’m all out of popcorn. 6 days my loveys… 6 days.

  5. I agree with Richard P: this is another false flag, designed to try and make Claire somehow more appealing to republicans. It won’t work. She will just have to rely on cheating at the voter booth.

  6. Naaah. I think Chappelle-Nadal has pure hate for Claire. Crazy people do not have internal editors and they cannot be contained. If you gave Nadal a bag of weed, 2 tacos, and a gun, she’d be on the white house fence with her ass out, skirt over her waist, trying to lift her hamhocks over the other side, with the gun screaming for mercy tucked inside her bra. Bitch is cray.


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