She’s a Sassy Black Woman – IOTW Report

She’s a Sassy Black Woman

Kamala doesn’t want to appeal to voters on an intellectual level. Fact check: true

16 Comments on She’s a Sassy Black Woman

  1. Maybe for Kamala’s benefit they could hold the debate inside a 7-11 or an Indian owned convenience store. Free Slurpee’s and other junk food snacks for everyone all at the taxpayer’s expense on EBT cards. And throw in some swisher sweets and menthol cigarettes and Colt 45 malt liquor.

  2. They will do all they can to make Trump look bad and Kamaltoe look like America’s savior.
    And the sheep will say Kamaltoe is Greaaaaaaaat.
    The MSM will claim she dominated and defeated him in the debate.
    I have better things to do with my time.

  3. ‘And throw in some swisher sweets and menthol cigarettes and Colt 45 malt liquor.”

    That won’t be necessary if she does like usual and throws the paying customers out and replaces them with her acting troupe. Of course, an elite bunch like that is going to require Cuban cigars, 30yo single malt Scotch and cocaine.

  4. Well, Kama-chameleon showed up as a progressive white woman at the debate. The idiot knows white leftist women are her largest voting block – not hoodrats or red dot Indians. She abandoned all her person of color personas. She talked down to President Trump as if he was Dementia Joe. So reptilian.

    Her scripted talking points at the debate will get her in good with Demwit voters, but most other voters can see past her “presidential” facade that was on display.


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