“She’s INSUFFERABLE!!” – IOTW Report



“She’s INSUFFERABLE!!” Tucker Carlson OBLITERATES Chelsea Clinton for Idiotic Statue Tweet.


17 Comments on “She’s INSUFFERABLE!!”

  1. Webb Hubbel’s daughter is a perfect example of someone tweeting the first thing that pops into their head. Of course in her case, when something pops into her head it has plenty of room to bounce around and cause permanent damage.

  2. Does she not understand that every tweet she throws out there will bite her on the ass? She cannot possibly say anything that isn’t hypocritical thanks to her mom’s and dad’s behaviors.

  3. When you have an illegal Multi-Billion Dollar Foundation backing you up, you can display vile actions, ignorance, stupidity, incompetence and even facilitate murder.
    It sure worked for Hillary.

    Just write another mundane children’s book and the media will give you a pass while fawning over your fake brilliance.

    There are no consequences or lasting ramifications for the elite.

  4. How does she feel about libraries built to honor amoral, adulterous ex Presidents, who have dead people in their wake?

    I can think of one such building that needs to go in order to reflect Chelsea’s “Christian” values.

  5. Anything to keep her name out there.
    She’s stupid, and she’ll be running for some “public service” position, for sure. It’s what Clintons do. Lots of money to be made in public service. Being stupid is not a show stopper.

  6. She is the result of generational inbreeding by that Arkansas family, the Clintons. I can only imagine the chimera’s that were produced by Bill while diddling farm animals. Perverted hick.

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