“She’s not going to make it.” Gillibrand pressured to drop out – IOTW Report

“She’s not going to make it.” Gillibrand pressured to drop out


Friends, former staffers, and donors say it’s time for Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand to end her low-polling presidential campaign, as she struggles to reach the donor threshold that would qualify her for the next set of debates.

Instead of focusing on a losing presidential campaign, they instead want the New York Democrat to focus on staying in the Senate.

“It would be best if she decided that this was not her time,” one longtime Gillibrand fundraiser told the New York Post. “Most people that I talk to are very happy with her as their senator and don’t want her to give up her Senate seat and don’t see any realistic traction for her.” more here

8 Comments on “She’s not going to make it.” Gillibrand pressured to drop out

  1. I wonder exactly what morning it was that she woke up after a long and fitful night of snoring and farting to believe that she was the chosen one to run for president and to rule over the landscape of unwashed masses cram packed from sea to shining sea!

  2. The candidate will be a woman alright, but not a white woman. They’ve gotten rid of Tulsi, and now Kirsten. The fix is in. Kamala is the chosen one, unless big Mike shows up.

  3. Pretty much a fait accompli when she chose to kick off her run in front of Trump Tower and as a NY senator couldn’t draw a crowd in the middle of a sunny spring weekend day.

  4. The donkey wants more time with her.
    They could head back to Tijuana together.
    Get some Tequila, put on some shows, y’know … romantic stuff …

    izlamo delenda est …


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