She’s Rabid – IOTW Report

She’s Rabid

Dem NYC Councilwoman Caught on Video Biting NYPD Officer During Clash at Homeless Shelter Protest.

16 Comments on She’s Rabid

  1. O.T. But from the article “… Assemblywoman Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn…” Who comes up with these names?

  2. Zhuang is obviously a rabid POS, but consider what kind of nose-picking, mouth-breathing, head-slapping imbeciles elected her!

    The violence engendered, encouraged, and promoted by the demonrats is increasing.

    Cop probably should have killed her – that’s a potentially life-threatening bite – he has no idea where her mouth has been. AIDS, CoVid, Rabies, Rat-Bite Fever … who knows?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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