Shia’s LaBeouf’s 7th attempt at his ‘He Will Not Divide Us’ art project 🤣 – IOTW Report

Shia’s LaBeouf’s 7th attempt at his ‘He Will Not Divide Us’ art project 🤣

DC: Shia LaBeouf has relaunched his infamous “He Will Not Divide Us” on Friday after the “art project” kept getting disrupted by online and in real life trolls, forcing the movie star to relocate it for the seventh time.

The website,, has a 24-hour live stream this time from the Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź, Poland, for the exhibition “Peer-to-Peer. Collective Practices in New Art,” according to the website.

“Open to all, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the participatory performance will be live-streamed continuously for four years, or the duration of the presidency. In this way, the mantra ‘HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US’ acts as a show of resistance or insistence, opposition or optimism, guided by the spirit of each individual participant and the community,” the art project description reads.

So far one of the first people to confront the live stream stood in front of the camera for at least five hours at the time of publication.

It gets funnier.


His ‘art project’ isn’t the craziest thing he’s done.  *salty language warning*
Last year, he went on a racist, violent rant and threatened to kill a cop. It was caught on bodycam. 
Here’s where he tells a black cop he’s going to hell because he’s black.
And the time he told a white cop that his wife prefers black Richards.
Here’s a compilation of him being a freaking weirdo: Top 10 Ridiculous Shia Labeouf Moments.

He’s going to run for office some day.

18 Comments on Shia’s LaBeouf’s 7th attempt at his ‘He Will Not Divide Us’ art project 🤣

  1. Wait, what happened to his flag on top of that tower or whatever?
    “They’d have to pull some assassins creed type shit to get it” was boasted by the security team if I remember correctly.

    So. How’d did 4chan get the flag?

  2. “He’s going to run for office some day”


    “Who’s the guy with the papers in his hand, yelling at the wall?”

    “That is The Senator. Please call him Senator.”

    “Oh, a politician who went crazy?”

    “No, an actor…Senator, it’s time to go pass a bill now. Come with me.”

  3. “He’s going to run for office some day”

    I think he has a rope in his apartment and he’s close to using it. In fact there’s a dead pool started on this guy.

  4. “He won’t divide us!” (burns flag)
    “He won’t divide us!” (smashes Starbucks window)
    “He won’t divide us!” (riot on campus)
    “He won’t divide us!” (punches guy in red hat)
    “He won’t divide us!” (pulls down statue)

    Wow. Look at all that dividing Trump is doing!

  5. I predict at least one glorious Polish joke, in the near future. And, even though the Poles are the heroes of the story, sharing it will still get your deplorable ass fired.

  6. Anymouse- It’s all about his hatred for anything to do with President Trump. Trump is not only living in this guy’s head, he tap dances all night and moves furniture around all day. LOL.
    He thinks his ‘art projects’ are helping destroy the president. lol

  7. Bad-Brad, I sort of agree. But, I think it will be accidental. Something like falling off a flag pole or into a man hole. lol.
    Or maybe he will kill off his liver. He cannot have a healthy liver on so much alcohol and drugs.
    Or maybe it will be suicide by cop. He seems to be running into them a lot.

  8. Was SL always a nutjob? Or did he just become that way after gaining a net worth or $25M? I’m pretty sure he had issues before the onset of severe TDS.

    There must be money in being a lunatic, but I think it’s not worth it. (you know, the ole warning about gaining a fat portfolio but losing your own soul kind of thing)

  9. Pretty cool. Sha di lay is playing and some guy in a black duster is dancing the Charleston. Hey Shia, YOU will not divide us. YOU will not divide us. YOU will not divide us….


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