Shock: CNN Grills Radical Ohio Dem on Supporting Abortion Up to BIRTH – IOTW Report

Shock: CNN Grills Radical Ohio Dem on Supporting Abortion Up to BIRTH


The networks are eagerly pushing the idea that support for abortion rights against an extreme GOP is powering a Democratic comeback in the midterms. What they aren’t telling you about is just how radical many of the Democratic Senate candidates are. For instance, Tim Ryan in Ohio supports abortion up to the day of birth. And yet this hasn’t been a story on the network newscasts. His name has only come up twice in the month of August. 

Yet, shockingly, it was CNN and anchor Dana Bash who committed journalism and grilled the Democrat on Sunday. Interviewing the candidate on State of the Union, she demanded, “You’re criticizing your Republican opponent for not supporting abortion exceptions. So, I want to ask about your position. What restrictions, if any, do you believe there should be on abortion?” 

After Ryan dodged, saying doctors should be deciding this, not his GOP opponent J.D. Vance, Bash actually followed up, noting, “Well, but, as a legislator, you have to have some idea of what you want to do when you’re not a doctor. So should there be some restrictions when it comes to the law of the land?”  more here

9 Comments on Shock: CNN Grills Radical Ohio Dem on Supporting Abortion Up to BIRTH

  1. What they aren’t telling you about is just how radical many of the Democratic Senate candidates are.

    What “they” aren’t telling you, is the Republicans… the Conservatives… the Patriots… the Deus Vulters of The Free West… will proudly kill those that oppose the Democrats that come to kill them. Because the Rule of Law… the Peaceful Transfer of Power… always be a “Good” Loser… oh… and, they Voted. hard.

  2. Ryan dodged the question (cuz he knows it\’s wrong), saying doctors should be deciding this… well in my opinion this is not an issue to be thrown at doctors or religious people. This is a basic, fundamental question between right and wrong! Politicians make the laws, but this asshole wants to drop it like a hot potato and let someone else take responsibility for it while sticking his wet finger in the air to see which way the wind blows. Tim Ryan has just demonstrated (once again) that he has no morals or character to behave in an ethical manner!

  3. How about between the baby and the doctor. The doctor has a responsibility to give voice to the well being of the baby and needs to sternly exercise that responsibility, to do no harm to the baby, when the mother foolishly and selfishly believes the only choice in the room is her voice.

  4. I’ve been thinking that all these people who support abortion, ESPECIALLY late-term abortion, should be made to watch a graphic video of the process and the result.

  5. @Brown Eyed Girl August 30, 2022 at 11:31 am

    > should be made to watch a graphic video of the process and the result

    Oooh! Look! More free porn.

    (Not “fear” porn. The kind that makes their naughty bits tingle.)

  6. Isn’t Tim Ryan a corrupt un-indicted co-conspirator of disgraced former Ohio Congressman Jame Trafficant’s???
    Always been rumors and rumblings.
    Always lived on the government dime, he’s done nothing in the real world. Nothing.


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