Shocking Lack of Self-Awareness: MSNBC Host Worries Musk’s Twitter Could ‘Secretly Ban’ Politicians and Influence Elections – IOTW Report

Shocking Lack of Self-Awareness: MSNBC Host Worries Musk’s Twitter Could ‘Secretly Ban’ Politicians and Influence Elections


Kira Davis-
Ari Melber hosts a show called The Beat on MSNBC, and like many of his ideological comrades, he is Very Concerned™ about what might happen to Twitter with Elon Musk at the helm.

In what has to be the most stunning lack of self-awareness and cognitive dissonance perhaps ever committed on the world wide web, Melber took to the air on Monday to express his fears about the demise of fair play on Twitter. Melber worried that one person owning all of a site like Twitter wouldn’t have to be transparent, and that person might even be able to *gasp* secretly ban politicians they don’t like, or outright ban them, or even *second gasp* “turn down their reach.”  And no one would know until after the election!

“If you own all of Twitter or Facebook or what have you, you don’t have to explain yourself. You don’t even have to be transparent. You could secretly ban one party’s candidate or all of its candidates, all of its nominees. Or you could just secretly turn down the reach of their stuff, turn up the reach of something else. The rest of us might not even find out about it until after the election.”

Who wants to tell Melber first?

7 Comments on Shocking Lack of Self-Awareness: MSNBC Host Worries Musk’s Twitter Could ‘Secretly Ban’ Politicians and Influence Elections

  1. Actually, liberals are terrified of free speech. In the arena of rational debate where everyone can voice an opinion, liberals would have to defend their policies and positions. Can you imagine a liberal defending their demands to allow men in female locker rooms and bathrooms? Or allowing men to compete in women’s sports? Or trying to explain why government printing of trillions of dollars does not have any inflationary impact? Or explaining away Hunter Biden’s laptop when even Hunter Biden admitted it was genuine? Or explaining why many, many examples of voter fraud are still surfacing? Or hiding Biden’s dementia? Or why we should admit to 57 (at least) different genders while also “following the science?” Or rationalize grooming pre-schoolers and elementary school kids? Or explaining why “Libs of Tic Tok” should be banned when all they do is post actual liberal Tic Toc rants?

    Musk doesn’t have to ban anyone – only liberals need to ban opposing viewpoints. They are out of touch with main stream America, and their positions are ridiculous. Rational Americans don’t need to do anything to cancel liberals; they will do it themselves by their own stupidity. Fortunately, they are so addicted to Twitter they won’t leave.

  2. “It takes one to know one”, Melber.

    Those of you who have already done ALL of these things should be taken out and immediately shot, except normal, rational folks would feel guilty executing a grown adult body attached to a prepubescent child-like, irrational brain that doesn’t know right from wrong nor what the First Amendment means.

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