Shootings in Democrat-Run New Orleans Over 100 Percent Higher Than 2016 – IOTW Report

Shootings in Democrat-Run New Orleans Over 100 Percent Higher Than 2016

Shootings in Democrat-run New Orleans are more than 100 percent higher than they were at this same point in 2016.

Breitbart: This spike in violence is also being witnessed in Democrat-run Baltimore and Chicago.

According to The Times-Picayune, the “55 people were wounded by gunfire this January – more than double the total for non-fatal shooting victims in January 2016.” Among the wounded were eight juveniles and “a 5-month-old girl.”

There were also 22 murders, “the highest since January 2012, when 25 were killed.” It is worth noting that all but three of the 22 murders for January 2017 have been ruled “definitive shootings.”

The Baltimore Sun reports that Democrat-run Baltimore witnessed 32 murders in January, the vast majority of which were the result of shootings. And Democrat-run Chicago witnessed 54 murders in the first 30 days of January alone.  MORE

14 Comments on Shootings in Democrat-Run New Orleans Over 100 Percent Higher Than 2016

  1. None of them in the French Quarter or Garden District, what a surprise.

    I have been there a few times the past few years doing service projects. In 2008 we stayed at a church in what was definitely a seedier area, the church completely fenced in to prevent theft. Our very young minister went for a run through the neighborhood, Sunday afternoon in broad daylight, and a couple of people warned him that being white could be risky in that neighborhood.
    Actually I felt pretty safe, even as gang violence was going on there was clearly no interest in targeting random (i.e. white) people.

  2. For the past 13 years I have sat on a task force that tries to address violent crime, especially gun crimes. I am retiring at the end of February and the man I am training to replace me has almost as much experience as I do in administering these programs. We both reached the same conclusion decades ago, you have to shut down the factories that produce these idiots. The entire welfare system must be redesigned from the ground up to foster strong families and accountable parents. The current system whereby single teenaged girls are fertilized by predatory males and thus spawn children who are socialized in a current culture that worships sex, drugs and violence must be eliminated. This is the only way that the cycle of violence that has destroyed our urban centers can be stopped.

    The agency heads that I deal with are all pretty much of the same mindset but no one has the guts to stand up to legislators and governors and tell them that they are all full of shit and that they are responsible for killing tens of thousands. Thanks to LBJ’s War On Poverty, our suburbs became urban refugee camps for the middle class. Those people still live there today. Affluent camps? Yes, but still memorials to the flight of white, middle class refugees driven from their city homes by the policies of corrupt politicians who thought they knew better.

  3. Hey, don’t criticize the leadership in NO. They have been very busy tearing down Confederate Memorials and don’t have time to address real issues. You have to remember when considering New Orleans and Louisiana (where I live), that we have the most corrupt leaders in the country and that Katrina was actually a blessing as it chased off the scum that these leaders cultivate. Yes, they actually promote neighborhoods in which they keep their constituents poor and in need of constant help. In return, they have an assured voting block. Having lived in NO for 4 years while in medical school and seeing what happens behind the scenes, I can only tell you that you are nuts for visiting that city. It is as bad as any war zone that we have ever been in. The arrest rate is something like less that 10% of killings and the conviction rate is about 3% of that.

  4. cato,
    Chicago can not touch us for corruption. The story goes that Elliot Ness was offered a choice of Chicago or New Orleans and he took Chicago as NO was too corrupt. Louisiana has always been proud of the fact that our politicians are the most corrupt in the country. In fact they can be bought severals times.

  5. david7134

    In Chicago, when you buy a politician, they stay bought.

    Huey Long did give Louisiana a colorful history that still exists today.

    “He has not only common ways, but a common, sordid, dirty soul.” His face betrayed that he had the qualities of the lower animals: “the greed and coarseness of the swine, the cunning of the fox, the venom of the snake, the cruel cowardice of the skulking hyena.”
    — Mrs. Ruffin Pleasant, former First Lady of Louisiana

    It’s all very well for us to laugh over Huey. But actually we have to remember all the time that he really is one the of two most dangerous men in the Country.”

    — Franklin Roosevelt to Rexford Tugwell

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