Shoplifting reaches crisis proportions – IOTW Report

Shoplifting reaches crisis proportions

Axios: Shoplifting has gotten so bad nationally that chains like Rite Aid are closing hard-hit stores, sending terrified employees home in Ubers and locking up aisles of seemingly mundane items like deodorant and toothpaste.

Why it matters: Retailers are already reeling from the pandemic, supply chain woes and the labor shortage. Now they’re combating systematic looting by organized crime gangs — which are growing more aggressive and violent.

  • “It’s out of control — it is just out of control,” Lisa LaBruno, SVP of operations and innovation at the Retail Industry Leaders Association, tells Axios.
  • A lot of the uptick is tied to the ease of reselling stolen goods online, plus the fact that consumers are buying more everyday goods online during COVID.
  • “We have experienced a 300% increase in retail theft from our stores since the pandemic began.” CVS spokesman Michael DeAngelis tells Axios. MORE

27 Comments on Shoplifting reaches crisis proportions

  1. Here’s a vase where government inaction will drive the businesses to adopt the Soviet model, where customers will have to come to a service counter to request basic items, then the clerk may, or may not, fill the order. One at a time, take your number, and wait in line comrades.

    Think boutique jewelry store access. For toothpaste.


  2. When I was a kid shoplifting was a crime that was punished where I grew up and the shoplifters went to jail and got their names in the local paper too. It was going on then but much less and there was a degree of shame associated with it.

  3. I think the next thing we will start hearing of is mob grocery theft; you will be pushing your cart full of groceries out to your vehicle and a carload of hoodlums will pull up, jump out, and snatch your groceries before you know what happened.

  4. Embrace Bernie Sanders. One type of shampoo. One type of soap. One type of douche. Use the reduced shelf space to put in a waiting area. Make people pay for Instacartish service and have their orders delivered 1930s automat style. Back to the future.

  5. So the DMV is angry, that the nomeklatura(‘s housemates) that they bribed to bankrupt the park district, did so in a way that is just what they wanted, then, but is now costing them.

    Who’da thunk it?

  6. “sending them into the arms of an”
    Part of the plan.

    Another crime that isn’t getting reported are push ins. If people are carrying groceries, they will push into the house or apartment when they unlock the door.
    A dead criminal, is not a repeat offender.

  7. This bullshit is happening Seattle & San Fran but not in Mammoth Springs AR or West Plains MO.

    There’s a couple reasons for that. First there’s no fookin’ diversity. Second, you will get your ass beat no matter what flavor you are if you try and walk out with a bag of merchandise.

  8. CVS is fretting over shoplifting, while simultaneously having one of the most rabidly pro jab employee policies. This is where you end up when you promote robbing critical thinkers of their freedoms.

  9. Police need to use tranquilizer darts with ID chips. When you get THREE you become a felon! After that you get 40 acres and a mule … ethiopia…. to grow your own food… and Don’t Come BACK!!

  10. Two Americas.
    Our side needs to build walls, keep them out and let them suffer the serious consequences of their wokeness.

    All the vices: sloth, dishonesty, theft, greed, envy… are on their side.
    Any virtues: integrity, industriousness, ingenuity, charity, capability (obtained thru working experiences) … are on our side.

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