Should Your Car Kill You To Save Others? – IOTW Report

Should Your Car Kill You To Save Others?

PopularMechanics: Scientists investigate a tricky moral dilemma that machines will have to grapple with when cars drive themselves.

In a split-second, the car has to make a choice with moral—and mortal—consequences. Three pedestrians have just blindly stumbled into an oncoming crosswalk. With no time to slow down, your autonomous car will either hit the pedestrians or swerve off the road, probably crashing and endangering your life. Who should be saved?

A team of three psychologists and computer scientists, led by Jean-François Bonnefon at the University of Toulouse Capitole in France, just completed an extensive study on this ethical quandary. They ran half a dozen online surveys posing various forms of this question to U.S. residents, and found an ever-present dilemma in peoples’ responses. “Most people want to live a world in which everybody owns driverless cars that minimize casualties,” says Iyad Rahwan, a computer scientist with the team at MIT, “but they want their own car to protect them at all costs.”  more

11 Comments on Should Your Car Kill You To Save Others?

  1. I guess us diesel super truck drivers have nothing to worry about. I’ll steer my own vehicle thank you. Hell I was skeptical about Cruse Control. Even more so after the primaries.

  2. A car that decides its owner is expendable. I could never get my head around this big push for ‘driverless cars but now I see. Culling the heard. You first, liberals.

  3. Do you really want HAL from the 2001 movie driving you around town?

    If something is not going to act in your best interest, it is obviously not in your best interest to subject yourself to it.

    True for self-crashing cars, and for government.

  4. NOPE. I’ve seen the Audi commercial with the deer on an empty road about four times this morning on the news already. My husband is a CDLA, and he’s fuming every time it comes on.

    Not only are we talking pedestrians, but what about the car behind you that can’t stop in time, or the folks on the sidewalk where the car swerves? Or the building you crash into?


  5. One could commit murder by walking in front of the target’s car.

    Are the pedestrians held accountable for their actions? Manslaughter, at least?

    I can see an initialization process when you first get the car.

    Welcome, please personalize your new Auto-Driver
    1. Prioritize life values, select one
    A. You (Cares less about passengers – they may have to be sacrificed as cushions. Pedestrians? What pedestrians)
    B. You & all occupants of vehicle (equal chance live/die/injury for everyone in car, F.Y. pedestrians and the horses you rode in on)
    C. Largest numbers of survivors in or out of car. (you, the car owner, may not make cut) Instant Karma choice, anyone?
    D. PeTA mode – where every dies because humans suck. (Be honest. You bought this car for the death angle, didn’t you?)

  6. “Most people who think like us robots to technology and Liberals want to live a world in which everybody owns driverless cars that minimize casualties,”

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