Shouldn’t Adam Schiff recuse himself from Russia probe now that he’s been caught hobnobbing with Fusion GPS? – IOTW Report

Shouldn’t Adam Schiff recuse himself from Russia probe now that he’s been caught hobnobbing with Fusion GPS?


A while back, then-attorney general Jeff Sessions was forced to recuse himself from the investigation into President Trump’s campaign’s supposed collusion with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.  The grounds for it?  Sessions had shaken hands and made small talk with Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak, meaning he had a conflict of interest.  Sessions, being the honorable naïf he was, obliged.

Well, now the shoe is on the other tootsie.

House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff, who’s vowed a kitchen sink–style investigation against President Trump (now that no Russian collusion has been found), has been caught in photographs taken at the Aspen security conference last year with none other than Hillary Clinton’s bought-and-paid-for smear artist Glenn Simpson, chairman of Fusion GPS.  read more

16 Comments on Shouldn’t Adam Schiff recuse himself from Russia probe now that he’s been caught hobnobbing with Fusion GPS?

  1. …Democrats NEVER recuse. Recusals are how RINO Republicans avoid having to take on the Deep State.

    No one EXPECTS Democrats to do so, so no recusal required.

    …They’re all on the same team, vs. US, so jot enough people in either party will have a problem with it, either, maybe a couple of token noises and a show vote at most, but Schiff will keep Schiffing…

  2. Uhh … no … actually, Schiff should be arrested for Treason.

    If every pol who had a conflict of interest recused itself they’d all have to vacate.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Obama brought Chicago style political corruption to DC. I hate to say this but it wont go away now that it has federal steroids in it.

    Chicago is a cancer that even chemo can not control.

  4. The new AG should (but likely won’t) investigate Schiff for being the leaker of information from closed door congressional hearings. Dig into that and I suspect the FBI will find a lot more. Structure the investigation in such a way that if news of it gets leaked then the information leaked would pinpoint the leaker who would then be taken away in chains before the cameras. To do that you’d need and honest and committed AG and FBI Director and I’m not sure that’s possible anymore.


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