I was reminded in an Atlanta-related post earlier about how there should be no sugar in Cornbread.
I have also heard that beans don’t belong in Chili. My Great-Gramma ‘n nem from Texas told me that one.
Anything else you’d like to add?
48 Comments on “( ) Shouldn’t Go in There” 🥣
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My Mama put beans in Chili!
And my Mama put sweet pickles in the fuggin potato salad!
This is America. The USA.
Do what you do.
Never use Angostura bitters in a Sazerac. Always use Peychaud’s.
I wasn’t saying Fock You! to MJA.
Do what you do.
Sweet cornbread is for faggots!
Tater tots, thawed for four minutes in an air fryer and crushed, make the best darn hash browns. Fried in bacon grease.
Mom used sorghum molasses in her cornbread. She hied from Roanoke, VA in 1913. Best cornbread evah!
A good killer chili doesn’t need beans.
Use vanilla pudding powder in your choco chip cookies. Killer!
Gosh nearly every recipe for meatloaf had Gerkan sweet pickles, forget that…. I only put sugar on cornbread when it is Mush and I fry it for a good meal. Breakfast, lunch or supper with syrup. I only use seasoned cast iron fry pans
I love good red chili with beans or not, but I’ll take a good Colorado/New Mexico style green chili over the both of them….fresh tortillas, queso, sour cream…..It’ll make your tongue slap your brain silly…..
There are no sweet pickles in the Constitution!
Beans are almost always in traditional chili outside of Texas.
Texas makes traditional chili con carne (chili with meat).
Love both, love making both. Add meat and beans to mine, sometimes steak or cleaned up stew meat…never tried using roast, yet.
When I make it gives you sweats from the scoville.
Whatever it is, if it is home made and comforts you, it’s good.
I make a killer three bean slow burn chili. I also make a killer Carne asada bean less chili in a green sauce. Not really the same meal. Either way I’m good.
Chili without beans is just meat and gravy.
Bro. My Carne asada recipe takes a minute. I usually serve it with some designer tamales. Every one digs it except for the wife. A major problem. However next morning a do a big pan or Chorizo and eggs and pour the chili over the top. She like the hell out of that. Pretty damn yummy.
I’m from Texas, but when I made chili for my four ravenous boys back in the day, beans were like Chili Helper. Don’t even get me started about the amount of milk they drank.
“There are no sweet pickles in the Constitution!”
If you look under pickled cucumbers you will find you are wrong. Big as shit. LOL
Dr. Hambone
Hopefully you were lactating. LOL
AWRIGHT! it’s decided….an IOTW chili gathering at someones house….Suggestions?…
Chili on a bed of rice is good, first time I had it was at an Air Force mess hall. As a kid I can remember cutting up a hotdog and throwing it in with a jar of Ragu sauce for spaghetti and hotdogs.
It’s always amusing to hear Texans pontificate about chili as if they invented it.
Texas didn’t know about chili until they started driving cattle to Missouri.
It’s for French fries, never got dogs.
^^^hot dogs.
I invented chili.
And it has beans.
And meat.
Sliced jalapeno peppers, pickled in apple cider and balsamic vinegars with salt and Dill, layered over the top of fried eggs on toast. Not for the weak-hearted!
“( ) Shouldn’t Go in There”
I thought this post would’ve been about something more interesting. You know, the thing.
My most recent chilies had venison AND beans…… MMMMmmmmmm! I may have to whip up some chili this weekend.
Beans go with Chili….But Cook the Beans in Beer…Drain…Or not…
Let it sit in the Fridge overnight….Jalapenos a must.
Try hominy with unbeaned chili.
Be a disruptor, but don’t put mayonnaise in anything.
Just what the Hell is chili without beans and meat?
Hot water?
Somebody hep ‘o brudduh out …
Aircubed, you sound like my daughter who hates mayonnaise. I like Duke’s mayo, and don’t even get her started on Miracle Whip which her brother loves. She claims that they’re both from the devil. Mayo slathered on a good hearty bread for making grilled cheese sandwiches instead of butter makes for great grilled cheese sandwiches. My homemade chili makes me fart a lot the next day.
My chilli gets beans, peppers, onions, spicy tomato.
Try to use at least 2 types of beans and has to be cooked the second day for sauce I gravy development.
Served with cheese & corn chips!
But never, ever, never on spaghetti!
Diesel don’t go in a GAS tank.
Chili’s got to have beans!
Take that ANGUS chili and add your own beans… then drop the G outta the name!
Chili without beans is a firey colonic
Age quod agis
I’ve heard you’re not supposed to stick your _ _ _ _ in crazy.
There are no beans in Texas Chili.
If it has beans it’s Chili Bean Casserole. It is in the Texas cowboy apothecary listed as a cure for constipation and includes an oddly phrased California Prop 65 warning implying that anyone that does prepare it, is cancer…
There’s a reason they let me stay… 🙂
I don’t put sugar in my corn bread.
I use Jiffy Mix. The ingredients say….sugar…
Every August Pullman, Wash. (home of Wash. State University) has a lentil chili festival since the Palouse is one of the largest lentil producing areas in the country as well as garbanzo beans which are also called Billy beans. I’ve heard that lentil chili is actually quite good. I might give it a try it sometime.
French’s mustard doesn’t belong on anything.
Baby shit mass processed insult to mustard.
Stone ground deli mustard or bust.
It’s hard to beat pineapple on pizza. 🔥
Gin, straight up. Never over ice.
Dadof4 – Redd Foxx used to tell the story about one morning he got up and saw his pecker looking bad.
So he went to the doctor and said:
“Doc, my dick looks reeeeal bad” then dropped his drawers so the doc could see it.
The Doc jumped back and exclaimed:
“Holy Shit that thing looks awful! Whutchoo been doing with it?”
Redd: “Ah been stickin it in beans”
Doc: “What kind of beans?”
Redd: “Whooman beans!”
^^^. Lol
Redd was great.
Gumbo, without okra, is just soup.
It’s in the name, gumbo is West African for okra.
Okra grows very well in the swamp, sour black mud in the south is called gumbo.
My understanding of where chili with beans comes from.
Blocks of chopped meat and chile peppers, sun-dried for preservation, like adobe bricks.
Drop a block in water with beans and whatever else, in the wagon all day, rockin and rollin.
Chili con carne con frijoles, a hearty, high protein meal.
The wife makes an amazingly good vegetarian chili, if this carnivore will eat it, it’s damn good.
Grated carrots, cashews, raisins, and the usual other stuff, weird but damn good.
OpenTheDoor –
You gave me a flashback about Gumbo. 🤣
True story: My cousins and family on my dad’s side (CA/TX)made gumbo and it looked like a seafood jail riot. It confused and scared me…I’m pretty sure I have GumboPTSD or something.
My mom (European) told me I didn’t have to eat it and that we’d go to McDonald’s after. 🤣🤣🤣
On a side note- For whatever reason, I adore Bechamel sauce.
Bechamel… Bechamel muuuucho…
No carrots in coleslaw
Chile without beans is meat sauce. You may as well pour it over spaghetti. FFS.
MJA, as long at it has a roux to start, then the trinity, then the liquid, from water to court bullion, then the okra.
Add some protein, from alligator to yak.
That’s gumbo, whatever protein you put in, that’s the name of it.
Seafood is my favorite.
See? More flashbacks. 🤣
On another occasion, someone threw in a chicken leg. You know, like from knee to foot with the claws and everything. I’m like- really???
OK – no more dinners at their house, please. 😁
We even had to stop going to the Mexican grocery because I couldn’t stand looking at goat and pig heads, shining under a spotlight, in the meat section. I was a farm kid but it still creeped me out. I mean, at least put it in a bag with a wide opaque label across it. Sheesh.
Anyway, good chat. I think I worked some things out today. lolol