Shovel Girl: “I didn’t say that thing I said!” – IOTW Report

Shovel Girl: “I didn’t say that thing I said!”

Patriot Retort-

Apparently being a Congresswoman is a shovel-ready job. Because old Shovel Girl Ocasio-Cortez is once again hard at work digging herself deeper and deeper into a hole.

Less than two weeks ago, Shovel Girl tweeted this astonishing accusation against Senator Ted Cruz. read more

19 Comments on Shovel Girl: “I didn’t say that thing I said!”

  1. “…especially those using the trending hashtag…”

    You mean this one, AOC?


    If she keeps digging, Twitter will probably ban it as being racist. Even Soros must be face-palming.

  2. @Isobel Blackhead
    Screw GOOGLE….I hear your mom makes working as a glory-hole attendant at the truck stop. Please piss off.
    Deleted Spam. – Claudia

  3. Get Isobel (more than likely her real name is Jezebel) Blackhead some Clearasil stat or refer her to Dr. pimple Popper to pop that great big zit on her idiot head. Is there an internet hell we can send scammers and other miscreants who bombard IOTW with their bs to?

  4. How can she dig a hole with the shovel shoved up her ass?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    Since she doesn’t know what a garbage disposal is, there’s no reason to suspect she knows the purpose and handling of a shovel. She would, most probably, do with it what she does with other cylindrical things she finds lying around the house – shove it up her ass. That’s why her salt-shaker was misplaced for a month or so.

    izlamo delenda est …


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