Shovel Ready Job – IOTW Report

Shovel Ready Job

Violent Video Warning-

Having said this, I have to tell you, I’ve watched it about 10 times and it keeps getting funnier. The sound effects sound like the 3 Stooges. By the time it got to the loud gong sound at the end I was looking for part 2. (I like how the first guy in the red shirt emerges from his semi-coma and valiantly goes running for the shovel guy, but runs straight into the ground.) ((I know it’s not right to enjoy this video, but since I will somehow be blamed for it, because I’m white, I’m going to enjoy it.))

Video after jump via Top Right News

44 Comments on Shovel Ready Job

  1. Evil is soooo strong by now, late 2014 and gaining strength. Darkness takes over where light once was.

    It is clearly evident that everything the bible says about man’s given nature is true. And what happens when mankind rejects the truth. There is only one path out of it, as was explained to man starting some 6000+ years ago.

    I would help these people out of this pit of h*ll f I could. They need leadership in their own communities, strong men and women of courage. They need love. If or when they appear or are given air time in the liberal media we need to support them 100%.

  2. Exactly, Irony.

    I’ve seen similar theater IRL, and volatile situations put you on high alert. On the tube, though..I hope I will be forgiven for laughing. It was that BONNNG toward the end that did me in.

  3. Seems to me everyone of these type of videos there is some “ghetto b1tch” egging on the violence with great glee. leads me to belive the women are as bad if not worse then the savage male

  4. How can they kick whitey’s ass if they can’t stop kickin they own asses?


    (And if any of you BFH’ers had any second thoughts about the need for carrying while outside your home…)

  5. Why, that was just a friendly game of croquet in da hood, cept’n they don’t have no wooden mallets so they have to use shovels. And in the place of wooden balls, they have wooden heads. Didn’t see no wickets tho. Probably scrapped them for loosies…..

  6. I just heard on the radio a new song by Beyoncé called “The Curly Shovel.” It has a good beat but I can’t dance to it. And neither could the bro in the red shirt.

  7. He could’ve used that shovel with either end, if you get my drift.

    BTW, anyone remember (or saw) the movie “Mystery Men”? Starred William Macy as a superhero. He was The Shoveler. His super power was hitting people w/a shovel. A funny, clean movie.

    Pee Wee Herman as The Spleen. His super power was his flatulence. (before we knew he was a pervert, just suspected it)

    There was Invisible Man, who was only invisible when no one was looking.

    The bowler, Mr. Furious, The Blue Raja and The Sphinx

  8. It is black peoples propensity for violence, NOT RACISM, that is the primary reason and justification for so called ‘white flight”. Simply put, no sane, rational person wants to live around thugs and needlessly expose themselves or their children to danger. If given the choice they will move to a safer area each and every time. Why the hell shouldn’t they?

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