Shoveling Crap Uphill – IOTW Report

Shoveling Crap Uphill

American Mirror:

Pelosi deputy accuses female MSNBC anchor of sexism after question about election liability.

House Democratic leaders are circling the wagons around Nancy Pelosi.

During a Thursday appearance on MSNBC, Pelosi deputy Rep. Joseph Crowley, the Democratic Caucus chairman, asserted a female anchor’s question that was critical of the House Minority Leader was sexist, merely because Pelosi is a woman.

“The Democrats obviously want to retake the House and, if they can, the Senate as well in 2018,” Katy Tur said to Crowley.

“Nancy Pelosi is a lightning rod. Republicans use her pretty effectively,” she continued as Crowley appeared to grow agitated, raising his eyebrows and letting out an audible sigh.

“Rallying support among their voters, getting them to vote for Republican lawmakers. Are you concerned that she will be a liability in 2018 when Democrats could have a real opening to retake both houses of Congress?” Tur asked.

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12 Comments on Shoveling Crap Uphill

  1. Direct quote from the liberal script of responses. Oops, that it seems legless when used incorrectly. HOWEVER, remember, leftists do not think, they just spout the script. Hatefulness is getting really tiring.

  2. Vietvet, only men can be sexists?? Little Katy might be confused about her own sexuality. You know, like her daddy was (and is). Life must be very, very hard for Katy…could these tendencies be passed along via genes?

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