Shoveling Shizer in Seattle – IOTW Report

Shoveling Shizer in Seattle

 Liberalism is a mental illness and a pathway to societal suicide. It’s not only incompatible with civilization; it’s incompatible with survival. 


There’s nothing like examining the sheer bedlam that liberal rule does to a city. What better place to study homicide than the progressive dystopias of Chicago or Baltimore? If you wanted to scrutinize the degeneration of a once great world-class city into a third world cesspool what finer example is there than Detroit? However in terms of sheer insanity there’s no place like Seattle. It even puts NYC and LA to shame for abject nitwittery.

My recent article “Gunless in Seattle” illustrated how a tax on ammo and guns orchestrated by the liberal city council was to generate up to $500 K in revenue to “study gun violence.” The reality was that only a little over $100,000 was produced. The true economic consequence of this action was the closure/relocation of 14 out of 15 gun/ammo retailers in the city. No mention of this considerable economic loss was made by the liberal ilk that governs Seattle. They also failed to remark on the sizeable increase in gun violence that the city has suffered since the tax was enacted.

Brilliant, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  MORE

18 Comments on Shoveling Shizer in Seattle

  1. A Comment on “Pooping Man” the Photo :
    The Sad Man Has to Go no Doubt, But if You Look at The Situation He Just Needed to Sit on the Railroad Tie . There’s Dirt on the other Side !
    My Dog Would Have Figured it out Immediately, and used the Dirt !
    Brainless in Seattle !

  2. I live in Seattle. Most of the habitants are functionally retarded. There is an almost complete deficeit of rational thought. I’m watching a city with everything it could possibly have in its favor,simultaneously degrade & deride everything that makes its greatness possible. It’s like living in an asylum & being a sane person.

  3. Who’daphuck ever went to seattle to buy guns or ammo? I used to live in Silverdale and avoided that place like the plague.

    That place farging STANK of piss from the homeless. They can live in their cesspool.

  4. The Fermi paradox is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, and the lack of evidence for such civilizations.
    This is because civilizations develop some form of liberalism and allow it to infest their Governments, and they self destruct long before they spread outward from their home world.

  5. @Super Patriot

    Why don’t sane people vote the out?

    Do NOT shake hands in Seattle or MN. Remember, the cultures that believe ‘eat with only one hand, wipe with the other’, thrive in the new third world environments brought to America by progressives.

  6. If you look at the electoral map, Clinton won only a few counties in northeast Oregon: Benton, Clackamas, Lane, and a few others.
    Like most liberal shithole states, small dense population pockets ruin the entire state.
    Look at the Illinois electoral map. Literally 3 counties out of 102 were enough to throw the state to Hillary.

  7. Jimmy – – Liberalism is MUCH worse because it enables Islam and a whole bunch of other pathologies. Also (at present) it has a much larger affect on our lives, NAMELY the confiscation of private property (taxes) and the redistribution of that property to insane parasites, and the funding of destructive policies through confiscation. That is why there must be a tax revolution. (Trump’s tax cuts won’t cut it.)

  8. That photo brings back memories of a trip to Istanbul many years ago. Glad we’ve got the 3rd world here now, you don’t need to leave home to see such things. Ain’t it wunderful

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