“Show me on the Emotional Support Barry Doll where Donald Trump hurt you.” – IOTW Report

“Show me on the Emotional Support Barry Doll where Donald Trump hurt you.”

Patriot Retort: As Jesse Kelly likes to say on Twitter, all Leftists have to do is not be insane, and they can’t even do that.

You know these guys have lost their minds when a grown adult admits she carries an Obama doll in her purse for emotional support.

And that’s exactly what former NYT editor Jill Abramson did.

Story here


18 Comments on “Show me on the Emotional Support Barry Doll where Donald Trump hurt you.”

  1. Hey Phuck this. Let’s make Saturday Night, a story night.
    Phuck Obama. Here’s a great American Golf story:
    Some years ago a bunch of us ex-patriots. ex-Marines, ex-GIs, ex-sailors, ex-NYPD, etc took a trip to Ireland on a golf and drink binge. We had a ball. We played the Sunny East coast and ended up in Dublin. After a feed of Guinness one night four of us decided on Fish N’ Chips.
    So we had a feed of Fish N’ Chips. Cont.

  2. When we exited the F.n C. joint we didn’t know where we were. Lost in Dublin. So we hailed a cab. Sixtyish Dub pulls over. “Yanks hah? Where you wanna go? We are staying at the Fitzgibbon House could you get us there?
    Yer phuckin Yanks alright, I have a brother in Chicago,and
    a brother in New York, but never been there meself.
    Then he put the car in gear and drove around the corner, stopped and said here you are lads. Fitzgibbons House.
    We laughed our asses off and gave him a $20 tip.
    He drove away saying God Bless Americans.

  3. @Moe Tom – great story.

    The NYT woman is insane. These people should be committed. So she likes to remember the time we had a progressive, African-American president. It doesn’t matter that he tried to destroy the country. Appearances are everything.

  4. No doubt leftist lunatics are pinning Trump Voodoo dolls. Obviously, it’s not having any affect because with God’s help, Pres. Trump keeps winning. MAGA 2020!

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