You can forget all of Nancy Pelosi’s pearl-clutching and weepy “concern” tweets about those poor Federal workers who won’t get paid during the shutdown.
She’s full of crap.
While Chuck Schumer holds these same Federal workers hostage to prevent the funding for a border wall, Nancy jetted off to Hawaii for the holiday.
Because she’s really committed to helping resolve the shutdown, y’all. more
Jeez, I hope she doesn’t get in the water. The whales are migrating this time of year.
I’m happy to report that there are sharks in Hawaiian waters. There have been some attacks on swimmers and surfers, but I’m sure we could suggest a more suitable place for her next vacation. Oh, yeah, Nan – the best shark repellent is to swim with a mesh bag with a dead mackerel in it.
Uncle Al, one can hope. Although I’ve wished for Hawaiian sharks to strike for the last nine years, to no avail.. Who knows? Maybe they’ll get Barky and Pelousy both this year.
Sorry, Uncle Al, but Nancy Pelosi is safe from sharks. Professional courtesy, you know.
Meanwhile President Trump is staying put in the White House taking care of business as he should. Nancy Pelousey couldn’t give a damn, neither can Maxi Pad Waters who’s in the Bahamas.
Please sharks eat her and spit her out……
Not positive, but pretty sure that Nancy won’t enter the water. Also not positive, but pretty sure the sand fleas aren’t interested in the wisp of walking dehydrated human jerky,
She’s safe. No member of the swimming, nor creeping, nor crawling, jumping, slithering nor brachiating of the animal Kingdom wants to taste fishy sauerkraut.
Seagulls don’t even draw near her. Unlike democrats, seagulls have standards.
Hypocrites gonna hypocrite… 🙄
She’s there fixen’ the Birth Certificate for our next immigrant president who will be latino and muslime.
Queen Pelosi wouldn’t dare risk touching that messy sand. It could harm her thin, overstretched, botok skin.
If it wasn’t so guache, I imagine her being carried in a litter by four of her most devoted aides. Wouldn’t put anything past her elite entitlement ways.
If she goes for a swim, my hope is that she’ll accidentally swallow a fisherman’s hook and he reels her in. Of course, he’ll throw her back. Or, she could be caught in a net of some smelt fishermen. Or, she might get mistaken for a crab. Or, she could be found on the beach, shining and stinking like a dead mackerel in the moonlight.