Shrinking the Economy is a Feature, Not a Flaw – Massive Layoffs and Unemployment Likely Hits in September – IOTW Report

Shrinking the Economy is a Feature, Not a Flaw – Massive Layoffs and Unemployment Likely Hits in September


The distance between Wall Street and Main Street has never been as brutally obvious as it is today.  It is simply stunning to watch the cheerleading and casual nature of the economic and financial pundits as they speak esoterically about how policies intended to reduce the U.S. economy are so wonderful.

Seriously, the disconnect in life impact has never been as stark.  At least in previous times of economic contraction there was a smidgen of appreciation for the pain that unemployment and rising costs bring to the blue collar and middle-income working class.  In this new era, the financial stress and visible outcomes of destroyed families are simply shrugged aside as if these are abstract consequences.

In this segment former Federal Reserve vice-chair Randal Quarles, notes with a casual flippance how the economic policies of the Biden administration are simply doing what needs to be done in order to intentionally reduce the U.S. economy.  Sure, massive unemployment, in direct correlation to the scale of the inflation that precedes it, is almost certain, but hey…. the economy must be collapsed if the Build Back Better, Green New Deal, agenda is to be fully implemented more

Fed Preferred Inflation Index Jumps 6.8% in June, Largest Increase in Four Decades.

15 Comments on Shrinking the Economy is a Feature, Not a Flaw – Massive Layoffs and Unemployment Likely Hits in September

  1. May reality karma kick their butts, because there seems the be not even one person with authority who will stop the thefts of America.

    It’s just so nice to have so many members of congress that are so freaking worthless!!!

  2. We’ve all heard the saying, “can’t see the forest for the trees.” With progressives, it’s the other way around. Progressives can’t see the trees for the forest. They blind themselves to the destructive consequences their bold plans have for the rest of us.

  3. The Plutonium Kid
    JULY 30, 2022 AT 1:13 PM

    “Progressives can’t see the trees for the forest. They blind themselves to the destructive consequences their bold plans have for the rest of us.”

    I respectfully disagree.

    I firmly believe the consequences are not only intentional, but the part they enjoy the most. They are spiritually miserable people, so they use their stolen power to spread misery to everyone else by whatever means possible, and nothing pleases them more than when they can break an upright man and control his life to the extent that he has no choice but to beg his bread and freedoms from them.

  4. @The Plutonium Kid: “They blind themselves to the destructive consequences their bold plans have for the rest of us.”

    “Us” also includes “them.” Dims aren’t going to skate out of anything. No jobs includes those who vote Dem as well as Republican. They don’t sort out who to punish – everyone gets it. Inflation, deflation, stagnation, it affects all regardless of how you vote.

  5. So a month of democrat-inflicted unemployment, and then a new round of government “stimulus “ checks just in time for the mid-terms. Create a crisis, and then print more money to hand out to buy votes. And the low IQ voters fall for it every time. Meanwhile, the dem politicians are scratching their heads trying to figure out what causes inflation.

    As someone said here, every single problem we have is caused by, and perpetuated by democrats.

  6. No Paradoxes.
    No Co-Incidences.
    No Unintended Consequences – in politics – man made problems – man made exacerbations – gov’t made inflation – gov’t made misery.

    They know full well the destruction that they’ve wrought – and they exult in it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. They think they can do this because Government guns will continue to protect them.

    Which is true until even the Government guns realize they are part of the economy that their masters are destroying.

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