*shrugs* OK – IOTW Report

*shrugs* OK

Patriot Retort:


New York Times columnist Charles Blow wants Trump supporters to know he just can’t be friends with us.

Whatever shall we do?!

Apparently Mr. Blow is under the misguided notion that his absence in my life will someone make the sunshine not as bright and take away that spring in my step over all this winning.

But in reality, Charlie threatening not to be friends with Trump supporters is about as dispiriting as a syphilis-riddled, meth-addicted hooker saying she won’t sleep with you.

Really, Charlie?

You don’t want to be friends?!

Let me go back through my feelings journal to see if I ever longingly wrote about wanting you to be my friend.  MORE

30 Comments on *shrugs* OK

  1. Lest you forget this episode on Don Lemon’s show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDrpozxGCzE when he went off on Kayleigh McEnany concerning her touching him. You have three black divas that regulars on CNN. Blow, Lemon and Keith Boykin. Kind of interesting how three black men who happen to be gay(Blow claims that he is bi-sexual but is way to catty not to be classified as flame-on gay) all rose to prominence during the Obama error. All three exhibit the same sort of behavior, Lemon with his cutting of peoples mics and rerouting of conversations for conservative guests, Boykin questioning the “blackness” and of Paris Dennard and his rants about Trump’s white supremacy.

  2. Charles Blow: Avowed Trump hater, Racist, Obama Admirer, Divorced father of three, angry, unhappy.
    Hey Charles, just phuck off.
    Check out Christian PDX link above.
    “Don’t touch me.” Hilariously sickening


    We already have 2 countries operating around each other. What’s wrong with the next step and just declaring state loyalties?

    Pakistan and India split.

  4. He says it is about right and wrong.
    Well, I’m right and he’s wrong. FIFY.

    I’m a decent, patriotic, conservative and he is a nasty liberal. I would never entertain the thought of being his friend. So, bye, bye!

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