Shut up Michelle – IOTW Report

Shut up Michelle

PatriotRetort: I am going to be so happy this January when we will finally be rid of the insufferable Michelle Obama and her self-righteous preening.

Who does she think she’s fooling anyway?

I have had my fill of Michelle’s never-ending lectures, scolding and holier-than-thou moralizing.

What a hypocritical bitch.

I tried to watch the clip of Michelle getting all weepy and emotional over Donald Trump’s vulgar talk from eleven years ago. But I couldn’t get through it.

Seriously, I’ve seen more convincing acting in a junior high production of “Fiddler on the Roof.”

Maybe it’s just that I still can’t shake the image of her husband showing off his stiffie to a plane full of reporters, but it was really difficult to take her moral indignation seriously.

And just when I thought I had succeeded in blotting out Barack’s woody, I thought of the footage of her charming, demure daughter Malia twerking her little ass off in public while smoking a joint.  MORE

15 Comments on Shut up Michelle

  1. I had the perfect meme for this post.. it’s a picture of two chimpanzees having sex in the missionary position.. the words in the meme are: Michelle Obama finally releases her sex tape..

  2. Sum Ting Wong! Is old Micheal (now known as mooch) who was a 210 LB linebacker now claiming that there was never any locker room talk when he played! Did he play on a deaf and dumb team! He certainly talks a lot of gutter trash now with a lot of gutter trash and invites them into the White Mosque on a regular basis!

  3. Your wife’s a Bigfoot, isn’t she, Barry? Your wife is a Bigfoot, isn’t she? That’s why the bitch’s moustache is so motherfuckin’ thick… ’cause you shaved the bitch down and taught her to speak. I know a motherfuckin’ Bigfoot when I see one!

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