Shuttered schools new gambit: charging desperate parents to provide pandemic daycare – IOTW Report

Shuttered schools new gambit: charging desperate parents to provide pandemic daycare

Just The News:

Multiple shuttered public school districts across the country have launched fee-based daycare systems to which local parents can send their children, services that are intended to assist workers who are unable to supervise their children during home-based virtual learning schooldays. 

School districts across the country in recent weeks have announced plans to keep physical school campuses closed through the start of the semester and possibly through the end of it, citing concerns that school buildings could become hotspots for coronavirus outbreaks. 

At the same time, many school systems in recent weeks have announced plans to open daycare programs in the very schools they have shut down, stating that the programs are meant for parents who need to return to work and who consequently require childcare as the semester begins. Many of these programs will, as with standard daycare, charge weekly fees for each child enrolled in them.  more

9 Comments on Shuttered schools new gambit: charging desperate parents to provide pandemic daycare

  1. If they can open up the school buildings to become daycare centers where teachers will assist the students in on-line learning, can’t they just open up the damn schools and avoid using up all the bandwidth?

  2. As a wise man once observed: the real trick of gov’t isn’t simply to get you to pay for things you neither want nor need, but to get you to pay multiple times for the things you neither want nor need!

    How many teachers have been laid off during the Wuhan Flu Hoax “dempanic?” Quit paying the teachers and the caterwauling will commence to open the damned indoctrination centers posthaste!

    People are so dumb it wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. They’re using the same school buildings, they’re using the same teachers, they’re using the same curriculum, we’re all still paying the same property taxes, AND they’re going to charge an additional $200 a week for it all?!

  4. Gustav was a pagan who believed in astrology – though “The Planets” is a beautiful work – inspired by God and unaware! Kinda funny, if you think about it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Haven’t the majority of schools primarily been daycare centers for five to 18 year old children for at least the past forty years or so? With some indoctrination, not education, served up with the school lunches. Teaching not how to think, but what to think.

    But setting that aside. If they’re really concerned about spreading Wuhan virus among large gatherings of children, and adult staff. I fail to see any difference between a daycare center and a classroom. Except now they’re trying to also collect an additional fee, above what’s being force collected by taxes to pay for the “public education” system.

    Vultures attracted to and circling above this foul stench filthy lucre scheme.


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