Shy Trump Voters or Fed Up Trump Voters? – IOTW Report

Shy Trump Voters or Fed Up Trump Voters?

American Thinker-

It seems that each day comes with another well known conservative prognosticator imbibing “doom” shots with “gloom” chasers before breakfast.  “Trump is toast.”  “He’s losing by double digits in the polls.”  “He’s got only himself to blame.”  Quick: Were those 2016 or 2020 opinion ledes?  Trick question: The same people who gave up in 2016 faster than Bill Kristol discovered his inner socialist are already in double-time retreat, rehashing headlines from four years ago and predicting electoral Armageddon for Republicans.  Well, gentle pundits, when the media begin ramping up “Operation Demoralize” to sap the energy from Republican voters right on schedule, and you choose to micturate in your foxholes rather than to affix bayonets, then it’s clear that the battlefield of ideas is no place for anyone who has learned nothing from the four years of war against Trump voters.  

In 2016, the Democrats (and too many establishment Republicans) didn’t think Trump had a chance in hell.  Even with the election in the bag, Clinton and Obama still unleashed a wild international conspiracy that relied on the CIA, FBI, FISA court, and State Department to perform as extensions of the Democratic Party in an outrageous effort to implicate the Republican candidate as a Russian spy.  When they are certain of victory, the Democrats are willing to frame an opponent for high treason and inflame tensions with a hostile nuclear adversary.  Just what wouldn’t they be willing to do when a second straight loss could cripple their Gramscian takeover of America’s constitutional republic as founded?

In 2016, Obama’s legacy, Scalia’s seat, and Hillary’s money-laundering operation at the Clinton Foundation were on the line.  In 2020, what isn’t on the line?  

The Democrats have ditched their mild-mannered, blue-collar, “can’t we all just get along” façade for in-your-face “give us what we want now” socialist revolution at any cost.  They’ve gone all in on a Green New Deal that gives government bureaucrats control of the economy and the power to turn 2020s Chinese quarantine into a permanent state of affairs.  They’ve declared the same carbon dioxide we all exhale a national health emergency, not at all different from COVID-19.  They’ve declared systemic white supremacy and patriarchy health emergencies, too.  They’ve declared that math is racist, that police forces must be abolished, and that abortions must be permitted after childbirth.  They’ve unleashed an army of Antifa and BLM insurgents to intimidate Americans through mayhem and violence, and they accuse shocked observers who object to having their businesses looted and burned to the ground of being unreasonable bigots.  

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11 Comments on Shy Trump Voters or Fed Up Trump Voters?

  1. Not only that, they have engaged (or blackmailed) businesses into parroting their calls. Black Lives Matter is painted on every NBA court, every NFL field. Yelp trots out an ‘accused of being racist’ sticker. Mega-companies like Amazon, Uber, and Lyft pay millions to the race-baiting SPLC to be their ‘moral compass’. And any private person can be doxxed and driven out of their job just for having a different ideology.
    They have ramped it up. Time to stand up to them.

  2. Two HUGE movements they forgot to list: #Blexit and #WalkAway. The number one comment by former Democrats is, “So I did my own research and …” Former hippy chic baby boomers in their 60s can’t quote the Founders and don’t know who Hayek is, but are finally realizing what lies ahead for their own grandchildren if the Democrats win the next election.

    YAF’s ranks are growing leaps and bounds, too, as are Hillsdale’s online civics and history courses. Turning Point USA is the hangout now for all the cool kids, thanks to Charlie Kirk.

    Two of the largest changes: the percentage of blacks and hispanics who’ve added their names to the Right side of the ledger in the past four years. Trump’s black vote was approaching 20% in ’16. Can’t wait to see what that number really is in ’20.

  3. I would think the polls would be going out of their way to avoid being as wrong as they were in 2016 just to insure they retain some credibility and respect for measuring public opinion.

    If they’re that wrong again, will anyone ever pay any more attention to them than they do astrologers and horoscopes again?

    BTW, anyone know what the astrologers are predicting about the elections this time?

  4. They aren’t trying to be “correct.” As with COVID, rioting, malicious prosecution, et cetera, they are trying to demoralize and scare us. Hopefully, it won’t work. I would be more secure in this if I saw less people wearing masks.

  5. “ A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition.” —Rudyard Kipling

    Good advice from someone that the Social Adjusters are trying to erase for writing about the White Man’s Burden.

  6. The suburb of East Columbus where my parents are is predominately black with the usual inner city problems. Pockets of good with bad. I follow a group on FB so I can keep track of the goings on there.

    Currently, people are mad because people are stealing their Trump yard signs. They share their signs “ I have an extra one you can have” and things like that. Trump’s black voter base is a real thing.


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