Sick of being slandered? Vote Republican – IOTW Report

Sick of being slandered? Vote Republican

Patriot Retort: I’ve said time and again that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election the weekend of September 9, 2016.

This was the weekend that capped off with Hillary dropping like a sack of potatoes on a Manhattan sidewalk.

But it began with a Manhattan fundraiser where Hillary stood before her fawning audience and attacked, insulted and slandered not her opponent, but the Americans who planned to vote for him.

As the Manhattan crowd laughed and applauded, Hillary said, “You know to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables … racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.”

Hillary’s now famous “Deplorable” attack set a politically suicidal precedent that the Democrats and the media not only followed, but doubled down on.

For two years, we have been smeared as white supremacists, racists, xenophobic haters, Nazis, gap-toothed garbage people, rape apologists, white trash – and the list keeps growing.  more

10 Comments on Sick of being slandered? Vote Republican

  1. I know 3 democrats (why they are still democrats I will never understand) They told me that they are voting republican. Not so much to support the GOP. They want their old party back.

  2. I for one am absolutlely fed up with all the silly, mindless prattle from Planet Vacuous (the Left) who have rendered real terms like Racist, Nazi, iSlamophobe, Klansman, White Supremacist, Misogynist, Sexist, Xenophobe, Homophobe (and all the other Phobes) totally meaningless because they throw them around willy-nilly as a substitute for a cogent, rational argument (which they never have), but the real proof that the Left is nothing more than a gang of scum-sucking Commie liars came with the Kavanaugh hearings and the absolute depths they will sink to just to win at any cost. That right there should tell anyone that their arguments, the democRAT party and their Bought & Paid For Propaganda outlets have ZERO substance!

  3. Please White List Patriot Retort

    How many ignorant, dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, COEXIST bumper-sticker, Leftist dimwitz (wandering aimlessly around in the haze of Politically Correctness) will consider this RACIST!

    Not to mention all the un-informed, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, dope-smoking, free-shit-grabbing, media-influenced, Kool-Aid drinking, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, government-dependent, entitlement rich, busted-ass, short-attention span, federal tit-sucking parasite Lo Foz out there!

  4. Everyone mentions Hillary’s “Deplorables” insults, but she also said that Trump supporters were “Irredeemables” — a much worse epithet.
    We are to be forever consigned to the thought-police gulag, just because we differ from her brain-dead followers.

  5. All the talk is about heavy democrat turnout. I’m sure they are out in the numbers that are claimed. But it could just be that many, many are voting to keep Trump’s agenda going. Not all are insanely left and this could be the shocker of shockers!
    Can’t wait to watch post election interviews!


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