‘Sick’ of Megyn Kelly; ‘Fox News Needs to Cut Her Loose’ – IOTW Report

‘Sick’ of Megyn Kelly; ‘Fox News Needs to Cut Her Loose’

Breitbart: A source at the Fox News Channel tells Breitbart News that staff at the network hope Megyn Kelly will leave soon.

“Everybody in the building is sick of it. We absolutely can’t stand it anymore,” the source said.

“This ‘all me, all the time’ tour, ‘I’m the victim,’ ‘I’m going to be poisoned,’ is getting really old.”

(The “poisoned” remark refers to rumors that Kelly had been poisoned before the first presidential debate in 2015 — a rumor she appears to deny in her new memoir, Settle for More.)

The source added: “Go. We don’t care. Leave. You want to be friends with Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon? Go to CNN. Have fun.”    Read more

28 Comments on ‘Sick’ of Megyn Kelly; ‘Fox News Needs to Cut Her Loose’

  1. Nothing wrong with ambition.
    I wish her the best … somewhere else.

    Y’know … even if she never worked again, she’d never HAVE to work again.
    Why aren’t the SJWs crying about the fantastic amounts of money the talking heads get? As compared to, say, the sound guy? After all, no sound guy – no talking head – and ANY fukkin moron can read the news.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I admit I used to like her, thought she was more intelligent then most, easy on the eyes, and a truth telling conservative. As time went on the layers of facade faded and wore away exposing the underlying shoddy construction of her character. I see nothing wrong with ambition and drive to attain the pinnacle of possibilities. I do despise those who in their climb choose to step and stand on other climbers in an attempt to get ahead. Unfortunately for Ms. Kelly she has chosen the path more easily taken and seemingly has no problem stepping on the fingers of other climbers. You can only reap what you sow. I for one don’t care what she does or where she goes from here, I’m done listening to anything she has to say.

  3. Good riddance. Next they need to get rid of that nut Shlep Smith. If you look into his eyes, there is a special kind of crazy going on in there. I can’t listen to his lefty drivel for more than 2 seconds without having to change the channel

  4. She has the one hour on Fox News I never watch. She is an arrogant bitch. She should disappear from Fox and go to CNN (Clinton network news). She will disappear from TV like the last female reporter that left Fox for CNN.

  5. Megame backed the wrong horse, it lost, tear up your ticket and go home, please.
    She thought with a Hill win she would be marketable as a snide reporter supporter, now she is but a sad athletic supporter.

  6. Rewatching Fox Election Night
    Just called Wisconsin
    Feels like the first time

    back OT
    Said in another thread…
    “Predict Vixen Dens”
    She’ll take her lumps and hopefully
    make amends. She goes anywhere else
    and the knives will be even longer.
    She knows that.

    …butt that GuttHole has to go.

  7. I’m going to go all “ist” on her. She doesn’t have fully formed features. Add the weird Michael Jackson nose, and she doesn’t look right, in the same way Alan Colmes doesn’t look right. There. I said it.

    Add the content out of her mouth, enhanced by her general demeanor, she’s extremely unappealing and pretty much unwatchable. Run along, Megyn. Off you go. While I’m at it (parents to be take note), I think having a traditionally spelled name goes a ways toward upping normalcy.

  8. I suspect the reason she hasn’t jumped networks is because the bidding war that she (and everyone else) expected hasn’t materialized. You have to remember she is on the only somewhat conservative network and I think a large part of the audience she gets is not because of her but rather the channel she’s on. Move her to MSNBC or CNN and she won’t take her audience with her. If she does move she’ll have to rebrand herself as a left-leaning conservative and any liberal will look at her past and cry phoney and not watch. It’s a hell of a multi-million dollar, multi-year gamble to make. I think she may move but not at a huge contract or if so they’ll be so many performance clauses in there she may end up owing them money.

  9. Oh, come on!
    Everybody bitches … but … would you let her suck yer dick?
    Really? Oh … girls not included, here, in this …

    sorry, i jgot to thinkin bout somethin and … uhhh .. well, forget it …

  10. The folks at FOX news want her gone before she sinks the entire network that employs them.
    Ain’t it may already be too late.

    An OFF switch does exist on every TV set. Just sayin’.

  11. I was never overly impressed by Megan “I want to be a huge part of the story” Kelly. I really didn’t think it was possible but I like her even less as she hops to and fro appearing just about everywhere trying to sell her dayum book. Hey Megan you are simply a talking head you are NOT the News or part of the Story currently in the News…………..get over yourself………….SPIT!

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