Sick: Pelosi Says Trump’s Call for Ban on Late-Term Abortions is a “Sad Thing” – IOTW Report

Sick: Pelosi Says Trump’s Call for Ban on Late-Term Abortions is a “Sad Thing”


Dan Bongino: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Trump’s call for a ban on late-term abortions was a “sad thing.”

Kerry Picket of the Daily Caller reports that Pelosi said, “It’s really quite a sad thing when you know that we’ll be talking about something that applies to the health and life — health and ability to have other children of women. I hope that in his family, he never has to face that crisis and apply his attitude toward it.”

During last night’s State of the Union address, the President called on Congress to pass a law that would “prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb.’

“Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life,” he continued. “Let us reaffirm a fundamental truth: all children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God.”  more here

82 Comments on Sick: Pelosi Says Trump’s Call for Ban on Late-Term Abortions is a “Sad Thing”

  1. “I hope that in his family, he never has to face that crisis and apply his attitude toward it”

    Nancy, Men do not have a LEGAL say in it.


  2. “Some of us who are attracted to the political arena, to government and public service” believe that “we are all God’s children” and “there is a spark of divinity among every person on earth, and we all have to recognize that as we respect the dignity and worth of every person.”

    Nan’s words about the M13 folks.

    Guess newborns don’t don’t have that “spark of divinity”
    Or deserve the respect of being allowed to live

  3. The murders of the innocents is part and parcel to the worship of Moloch.
    But, if you think about it, the socialists never had a problem with it.
    The National Socialists gassed babes and infants, the Soviet Socialists sent babes and infants to the Gulags to starve, the Chinese Socialists’ murders of a 100 Million included vast numbers of children. Pol Pot enlisted teenagers to brutalize and murder the young children of the “rich” peasant class.

    “Totalitarian” means exactly that – “total” control, ownership, and the power of life and death of everyone – particularly the most vulnerable.
    Sad that we now have a major political party which embraces such malignancy – and an opposing party which doesn’t want to break the “PC” code (have the courage) and criticize it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Nancy Pelousey is the real true “sad thing” for her belief in abortion right up to the moment of birth and even after if the baby is not wanted. They say misery loves company, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near her for fear of catching her sadness as well as her madness. Nancy, honey give it up you can’t ever be happy with the way you live believing as you do. You and your ilk are the perfect living, breathing examples of living with a reprobate mind, I feel sorry for you. President Trump is totally right and you’re totally wrong all the time on everything good.

  5. Question: *IF* mother/person decides — whatever reason — she cannot cope with “innocent life,” whose problem does “innocent life” become?

    Does doc shove it in her arms and tell her, “You should have kept your legs shut, long ago, but…. ….I’m outta here?” …and the “innocent life” becomes her twenty year sentence?

    ….and if the “innocent life” gets its bones broken, then…. ….”innocent life” becomes state property on one end and mother/person becomes state property on the other end…..

    Who is winning here? The state? Do we need more foster children, custody of the state? …..Lady in Red

  6. Lady in Red

    What rock have you been hiding under? Ever hear of adoption? Most states it’s so damn simple the mother never even sees the kid. Here in California you can drop your child off at a fire station and split. No questions asked. And if adoption is that cumbersome in your state, send the money to the orphanages instead of the killers at planned parent hood. That’s some weak shit darlin.

  7. Ever hear of “Cider House Rules?” That babies get adopted is a fantasy. They end up in foster care, unloved, often abused.

    Despite your dreams, reality still exists:

    Some simple stats:

    There are 107,918 foster children eligible for and waiting to be adopted. In 2014, 50,644 foster kids were adopted — a number that has stayed roughly consistent for the past five years. The average age of a waiting child is 7.7 years old and 29% of them will spend at least three years in foster care.

    And you want to triple these numbers?

    ….Lady in Red

  8. And, worse: my wonderful, loving, patient brother has adopted three children, one as a foster child and two at birth. The foster adoptee is a long time dependent upon the prison establishment (with three or four unknown children, somewhere).

    The other two are run-of-the-mill losers, with only two “products” between them.

    We need more of this? ….Lady in Red

  9. @ LIR
    This not who is winning, it’s who is losing. Innocent is the key word here not winning. Thou shall not murder. End of story
    Let’s start by not paying for murder with our tax dollars.
    All people have value. When babies come along there are responsibilities, they are inconvenient at times, not their fault. Why chop them up because parents are not responsible and selfish.

  10. Lady in Red

    I’m not going to say your numbers are crap because I have not researched them. However, I will say, I have several friends that have adopted Asian and Rusky kids. They claim because V8 4 speed American kids were not available.
    If you are correct with your numbers, let’s give our tax dollars to these institutions instead of to the murdering sonsabitches at PP.

  11. Most kids in foster care cannot be adopted because they haven’t taken away their parental rights.
    Yes it’s harder to adopt older kids because often those older kids have issues from the life they’ve led, but the argument about all these foster kids is comparing apples to oranges because you can’t adopt a child when the parent is working to get the child back.

    The same people who will argue to kill innocent babies are more often than not that will say it’s wrong to force sterilization on a woman or man, regardless of how many kids they’ve screwed up or how many they’ve raped/molested.

    Babies have always been in high demand to be adopted, adoptable babies are rarely not adopted, that’s why you have people who go to other countries or go the black market route to get them.

  12. Lady in Red
    I trust no ones numbers. My biz.

    And quite honestly, I have a problem with searching anything on Google. Search the same thing on Duck Duck Go and see if you end up with the same numbers. I’ve run into some rampant bias between the two. Might be interesting. My above comment still stands.

  13. Brad, I knew a lady who worked in an adoption agency and she said the 10 years she worked there, families looking to adopt a baby was 10 times the number of babies that ever become available for adoption.

  14. II am incapable of endorsing the extinguishing of a defenseless voiceless human life that is posing no threat to me. Won’t argue or justify my position with anyone beyond what I have already stated here.

  15. Look at the site, Brad. Do your own research, if you will.

    Right wing memes are no better, unthought, unverified, than the ones the left spouts, about guns, for example. You *know* that, but you swallow other numbers.

    Thinking — long term — for us all, for the good of the individuals and for society, in general, is important.

    I can cry over animal stories, but, at the same time, I am not an unthinking fool — about anything. Forced birthing is bad — for everyone. ….Lady in Red

    PS: I *do* believe in wanted, loved and nurtured children. They make me and thee better.

  16. LIR
    You’re missing my point. Even if what you are saying is true, it might be, send orphanages or the proper mechanism, the money we are sending to PP. There’s no fing way conservatives are going to stand for killing full term babies. And you shouldn’t either.

  17. We “stand” for killing “full term” dogs and cats, Brad. *We* are only another part of nature. That you believe we are superior is nothing more than arrogance.

    Everything in balance.

    *We* cannot cope with unwanted, neglected children any more than we can dogs.

    I have adopted three Great Pyrenees. Each time, “my” dog was pre-selected to match my needs, the sheep, etc. etc. ……if that had not been done, I would have had to have to have rented a room, spent a week “interviewing” all the dogs who, when we walked by, wagged their tails slowly, expectantly: “Pick me! Pick me!”

    Seriously, watch “Cider House Rules.” It is a hard reality for folk like you, one of the best movies of Michael Caine. I cry every time. ….smile….
    ….Lady in Red

  18. “We “stand” for killing “full term” dogs and cats, Brad. *We* are only another part of nature. That you believe we are superior is nothing more than arrogance.”

    I just had to hide your comment from my two Labs. You’re wrong about that. Northern Cali, where I lives euthanasias very few pets. Due to spade and neuter programs and aggressive “Rescue Dogs”.

    But here’s where we can reach some common ground. If you get an abortion, you automatically get sterilized. Period, end of story.

  19. Brad I looked at the site and of the kids in foster care, 73% cannot be adopted because they still have families, 27% are adoptable.
    The same site she’s wanting you to read says there are between one and two million people waiting to adopt, with 1.3 million abortions and only 4% of women with unwanted pregnancies place their children through adoption.

    So I really don’t get what she wants you to see.

  20. lir- “…At some point, you have to get “real.” You are not doing the kids any favors, either…”

    and you suggest abortion is the solution?
    Killing a fetus, or a delivered baby for that matter, is doing no one favors, other than the abortionist.

  21. mmm, exactly. It’s a sad thing no doubt about it, but many of these older kids come with challenges that not every person is capable of dealing with. Dealing with physical challenges is a piece of cake compared to dealing with emotional/mental issues.

  22. LIR, “We “stand” for killing “full term” dogs and cats, Brad. *We* are only another part of nature. That you believe we are superior is nothing more than arrogance”. Seriously? I believe you are serious from reading your many abortion comments. So sad where you have put yourself.

  23. Ok, BB. (None of the Great Pyrenees were ever put down, but… ….many were never adopted, lived in the orphanage, sadly, hoping, forever.)

    I’d support sterilizing a woman who had an abortion — I think. I need to think about that. Sometimes, it is the wrong time, the wrong man, the wrong place, but…. later? I don’t know.

    I *would* support sterilizing women who popped babies they did not love, care for, abused, etc. That is an easy one for me. They become feral kids, problem adults. ….Lady in Red

  24. Old Racist White Woman….. You read the numbers, eh? And 73% of the kids cannot be adopted, destined to suffer, forever. ……. And you think we should triple that number, or worse?

    Oh, lady. Get a life. Watch “Cider House Rules.”

    You live in a philosophical fantasy world. …..Lady in Red

  25. LIR

    We’re all adults, or should be. If you can’t figure out how to keep from getting Pregnant, it shouldn’t be my financial burden, or moral burden. Society should fix your problem for you. Sterilization. And then they can fuck away. And we’re all happy. Just like a fixed bitch dog.

  26. Go over to the site that LIR linked to.
    It will not let me cut and paste all I can bring over is the whole thing, to long.
    To quote the site 1 to 2 million families want to adopt,there are 1.3 million abortions every year.
    Only 4% of women place there kids up for adoption that have a unwanted pregnancy ever year.
    The rest are killed.
    LIR has sucked you into her forced birth crap.
    As a father of a adopted daughter I can tell you she does not know what she is talking about.
    So LIR how many forced births have you had?
    How many cluster of cells have you flushed out?
    How many late term abortions have you had?
    How many women have you helped kill their babies.
    Will wait for your answer.

  27. I’ve convinced myself my idea has some merit. That’s an understatement. It’s brilliant, if I do say so myself. We need to get a law maker to sponsor a Bill that says, we will finance PP for one abortion per patient. But if we pay for your abortion it’s mandatory you get sterilized. i’m really curious to see the Libtards reaction.

  28. There is a powerful interview by Bill Moyers from long ago, about an idiot kid named McSeed. I can’t find it now, but is worth watching if you find it….

    Here is an article about the program:

    Much as you want to think about “fixed bitch dogs,” there is another gender involved in it all.

    As I wrote, right wing memes are no better than the unthinking memes about guns, etc. from the left. Think. ….Lady in Red

  29. Lady in Red

    i’m good with that. Spade and Neuter away. If they screw like animals, fix them like animals. See, common ground. We’ll see them hooked up in the middle of the street soon.

  30. They are still hiding and using the argument that abortion is a right and important healthcare for women.

    Like global warming, they struggle to make arguments people are likely to believe.

  31. Frank P….. Abortion is a simple medical procedure. A “right?” Is curing appendicitis a “right?”

    You are correct about “global warming,” aka “climate change.” ….smile…

    If you read — and *think* — and abandon the idea that “we” are above nature, you will reach the correct conclusions. …..Lady in Red

    PS: *We* can become a trash species, like rats and roaches and ailanthis trees…. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? ….smile…..

  32. LIR, are you mentally challenged? You can’t adopt a child without terminating parental rights. States try to rehabilitate the parents or place the kids with family members. Most kids in foster care go back to their parents or a relative gets custody of them. SO those 73% are not forced to suffer forever they leave foster care to be reunited with their parents or live with family members.

    Let me give you a few examples and maybe then you can comprehend it. I have a cousin whose father’s niece had a baby, they abused the baby, the state took it away and placed it in foster care and then asked if any family members would foster the baby once she was medically able. My cousin fostered her for 2 years before the state terminated her parents parental rights. My cousin then adopted the baby.

    Another example my husband’s parents were foster parents, every child they ever fostered went back to live with their parent(s). One was a case where the mother wasn’t abusive and tried to be a good mother, but she was homeless, so the state took her son and he remained in foster care until the mother was able to get a job and roof over her head so she could support her child.

  33. Old Racist, etc….. *I* understand adoption rights. Do you? “Rehabilitated” family members….? ….smile…

    “We” are talking about sad, sometimes abused, lonely, unloved, crazy kids. Their lives will never be all right. One in a thousand? One in a million?

    And you wish to birth ’em? ….in the millions?

    You are insane. ….Lady in Red

    PS: Read about my brother’s adoptions — and years and years of loving care — above.

    PPS: Bad Brad…. Another idea: how about we require a *license* to have a child? Fuck in the back of a car? Nope! You have to have an established wannabe relationship with another, learn a tad about caring for a child, the implications, etc etc…. and, then, you get a license. No license = abortion.

  34. “And, worse: my wonderful, loving, patient brother has adopted three children, one as a foster child and two at birth. The foster adoptee is a long time dependent upon the prison establishment (with three or four unknown children, somewhere).”

    But the point is, they were all created in the image of God and deserve the chance to achieve. For some reason, I think you live in Las Vegas. If I ever get out that way, I’d love to sit down over a cup of coffee with you.

  35. “PPS: Bad Brad…. Another idea: how about we require a *license* to have a child? Fuck in the back of a car? Nope! You have to have an established wannabe relationship with another, learn a tad about caring for a child, the implications, etc etc…. and, then, you get a license. No license = abortion.”

    BUT, you were the one equating humans to animals. Now it’s not cool? You can’t have it both ways. Good night LIR.

  36. Nah. I’m on top of a hill, surrounded by 200 acres of cows, in the Shenandoah Valley. Some sheep. Lots and lots of nature. I watch the sun come up over the Blue Ridge Mountains and I can sit on the porch and watch it set behind the Allegheny Mountains. I do know God. ….smile…

    The cows and the deer and the sheep were all created in “the image of God.”

    If you get out this way, I’d buy (or make) coffee. …smile… …..Lady in Red

  37. Did you really say the cows, the deer and sheep were made in the image of God?

    Genesis 1:26-28 King James Version (KJV)

    26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

    28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

    Genesis 9:2-3 King James Version (KJV)

    2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.

    3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

  38. I’m very glad I can’t type a lot right now.

    I read a story a few years back about three local women — all hard drug addicts who, between them, had 27 children from an untold number of men. All the children were either in the foster care system or had been adopted. All of them had been exposed to hard drugs in the womb and suffered various levels of physical damage as a result. None of the three women had ever contemplated abortion and none of them had ever been coerced into carrying their babies to term. I imagine it was because none of them contemplated much else but their daily drug requirement. I’m pretty sure — although the article didn’t say — that 99.9% of those children were conceived in the course of prostitution for drugs/money.

    Many would ask, “Where’s your God, now?” Where is the justice for any these broken people? Where is the cosmic justice for the women and men who can never have a child of their own to cherish? Where is the justice for the children who will never know the safety found in the arms of their mothers and fathers? Where is the soothing oil to be found on the troubled waters for a woman who vaguely recalls giving birth to countless babies who she might have yearned to love but had no capacity? Indeed, where is God in all of this?

    John 3:16: God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall have life everlasting.

    There are only two things we can absolutely rely on in this world: We are broken-souled sinners who can do nothing good, true or beautiful without God. Our only hope for redemption and life is through Jesus Christ.

    We have such a short time to figure this out. Don’t be fooled by those who believe we can make “heaven on earth” through the machinations of human effort.

  39. @LIR — I have often thought of your term “forced birthing” and I know I’ve even commented on it before. And now I’m thinking of it again and I’m probably going to say the same thing I said before. Who made you God? How is it that you can speak and think with such force about the fate of another human being? That baby you are freely talking about? That baby will someday be a five year old, then a teenager, a young adult and maybe an old man or woman. They will mark the years just as you do. They will eat, sleep, laugh, cry, mourn, experience all the joy and suffering that you do. How is that person less entitled to the life you have, and to do what they will with it, as you have? That’s the part about your callous view of life I cannot understand at all. Humans are not animals no matter how much you would like to make the comparison. I would never think of you as an animal and I sincerely doubt you think of yourself that way. So why do you think of another human being in this way? A conceived child has no say in its conception, yet it is a human being with all the Natural rights of any human being. I totally get all the reasons you give for your views. Hell, don’t we all? But you are not offering up a solution, you are pushing nihilism at its core. And honestly? That’s the laziest answer to any problem.

  40. LIR,
    Blah, blah, blah … same old shit.

    I have a positive proposition! Pack up your shit and go to one of those ghettos full of unloved peeps (India, Detroit, New York, take your pick) and ask them if they’d rather be dead. On camera. And then, for the ones who want to be dead, kill them (not on camera).
    Keep track of how many you kill and how many you “let” live.
    We’ll do a documentary! All the proceeds go to iOTWReport (and pay for your ammo, or cyanide, or whatever, and transportation costs).

    You have the opportunity to prove your point!
    Unless, of course, you don’t really want to prove your point.

    Let me know.

    izlamo delenda est …

  41. LIR and peeps like her have a God complex. They feel, they even know, that they are as knowledgeable and powerful as God himself. They feel that they are omnipotent and should make the rules regarding which babies get to live and which babies need to die. They are not deep thinkers, just the opposite. She says we are like animals, but it is HER and her ilk that are animalistic. They never ponder that poor people can be happy. That simple people can be fulfilled in life. That imperfect bodies can house real people with real feelings and real lives that count. Having met a wonderful woman that aged out of a state run orphanage at age 18 I know that her life matters. She doesn’t hate her life or hate society or hate her birth parents. Such shallow and simplistic assumptions. Value of life matters. Only a degenerate animal would kill its own offspring for “what if” or “convenience”. That people like LIR go out and tell young women that they are no better than dogs and can scrape their own progeny out of them without any lifetime repercussions is soul breaking.

  42. Oh and LIR yes I understand adoption rights and understand the state cannot remove a child from a home and put them up for adoption. Thankfully, parents do still have rights and it takes a lot for the state to terminate their rights.

    You are one screwed up individual who I think has spent too much time with animals and not enough time with humans. One thing though that I guess is good about your constant commenting on abortions and trying to convince others they’re forced birthers and murder of innocents is a good thing, is it reminds all of us how insane and evil abortionists are.

  43. Also LIR since you say you know God, how about you read God’s word and truly allow God into your heart before it’s too late.

    Romans 1:22-23 King James Version (KJV)

    22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

    23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

  44. I noticed this thread and LIR’s crazy not well thought out argument just as I was going to bed, knowing that other members here would eviscerate her arguments, they did.

    I will just add a few things; LIR brought “Cider House Rules”, when you are taking your morality lessens from Hollywood, you are in trouble. And she totally forgets that the main character, the guy that changes the lives around him with his love and compassion, the same guy that ultimately takes over the orphanage was a baby that was NOT aborted.

    Many famous people who made great contributions to society were themselves adopted;

    And even the countless thousands of those adopted children who did not become famous but were allowed the gift of life, to love and ultimately raise a family themselves, a swift death would have been better for all of them, I guess.

    Clearly, LIR has no religious underpinnings for her moral framework, but this has already been noted. But even those Americans that are not religious recognize (or should) that sanctity of life and the dignity of the individual is woven through the fabric of all our founding documents. This separates our revolution (the individual banning together with others to fight for their God given rights to determine their own destiny) from the French Revolution (The collective is paramount and individuals must be subservient to that end).

    It is interesting that LIR thinks an aversion to abortions at the end of the third term is somehow a “right wing meme”. Even the politicians on the left can subordinate their revulsion to such practices for the good of the cause and maintaining power, what’s your excuse?

  45. The thought that keeps occurring to me is, The left believes we have to murder our own children in order to make room for all of those illegals. That truly is a “Sad thing.”
    Indimex, proud adoptive mom of a beautiful, thriving, seven year old! And if I weren’t doing it alone, I’d take a few more.

  46. As long as Nan would extend it to worthless greedy decade old elected politicians, she’s got my interest.
    Nah, that would be MURDER.
    Beyond sad this thing still gets elected and represents,,,

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