Side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine won’t be a ‘walk in the park,’ doctors warn – IOTW Report

Side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine won’t be a ‘walk in the park,’ doctors warn

The vaccines in final stages of trial are said to induce symptoms similar to the virus.



41 Comments on Side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine won’t be a ‘walk in the park,’ doctors warn

  1. Shit like this is what happens when chicken necks sit in front of the TV and get hollywood/media programming all day long. Now they’re scared of their own shadows! I hope those same mothertruckers get the vaccine and their brains slide out of their noses. FFS!

  2. It won’t be a walk in the park because Leftist mayors and governors have been keeping people cooped-up, scared out of their minds, short on Vitimin D and generally in poorer health than ever before.

    Talked to a 22 year-old gas station employee today who got COVID, tested positive, lost his sense of smell for awhile and that was all. He’s fine. (This particular business has young, Conservative employees who are ready to fight. Every time I go there, we talk about it. It’s why I give them all my ‘business.’ Everywhere I go, spontaneous conversations are erupting regarding COVID and the election. People are getting mighty pissed-off…)

  3. Never took a flu vaccine and I’m not about to take this dose of bullshit. 🤬

    Let the members of Congress take the toxic concoction, that includes the Repube’s. 🤨

  4. Jimmy- The losing the sense of smell makes me laugh. I lose my sense of smell from allergies several times a year for days.
    More than a week and a half when I had the flu. I don’t know why it’s a big concern with the Rona.

    There are lots of protests happening over the lock-downs.
    There have been some righteous ones in CA. One video showed cops coming over to shut a business down when a neighbor snitched on them.
    Cops had to leave because the owners knew their rights. Then they protested in front of the police cars. lol

  5. MJA – It’s one of the hallmarks of Rona viruses, so I read. And I believe it since it’s happened to me twice in my life from simple colds. Some researchers are speculating that 20-40% of people have some ‘cross-immunity’ to SARS-COV-2 due to many exposures to Corona virus colds. I’m a candidate – and last January when this whole thing started in the NW, I had a really bizarre nose cold for about a week. So, I may have already had it at age 69 and not even know it. Only antibody tests could confirm it (and I don’t even care!).

  6. Wait. I have to say this for the lurkers or the commenters who actually want to take the vaccine. I am not making fun of you- just the situation and the people who put us here. Take the vaccine if you feel you need to, just don’t let anyone force you into it. That’s all.

  7. Last February I had a different kind of cold than I ever had before. I could not get warm at all, it felt like I had a block of ice in my chest. I just toughed my way through it and after 4-5 days I was back to my normal. If that was covid it ain’t shit. If you treat a cold it will be gone in about 7 days, if you don’t it will last about a week.

  8. Saw on the news tonight that the vaccine is administered in two doses and the side effects are so bad on the first dose that Doctors are worried that people might not take the second dose!

  9. Whenever I used to take the flu injection, invariably I would be ill over the week/weekend. Fever, chills, nausea. All da kine li’dat. So that’s one reason why I stopped getting the flu shots.
    Another reason is that I would hear/read that the eggheads guessed wrong (again) when choosing which flu strain to make into that year’s vaccine, so the efficacy was only 10%, 15%, maybe up to 30%. Wow!
    And this was mentioned (briefly) at the start of this year’s DemPanic, but then disappeared……
    Sherman, set the Wayback Machine to…….
    The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic of 2009, during (DUH DUH DUHHHHHHH) O’Bozo’s regime. Any panic? Nope. Masks, social distancing, hand wringing……I mean, washing? Nope. Any rush to get a vaccine? Nope. Any attention from the Oval Office at all? Not that I remember. How about comparing the numbers of illnesses and deaths between the two virii? Can it be done? Were stats kept for the 2009 flu?
    The major difference between the two is that one was under a DildoCrat presidency (media and political reaction – ho hum) and a People’s presidency (media and political reaction – oh no! We’s all gonna die!).
    So, I say “NO” to this year’s Covid concoction.
    And by this time next year, between herd immunity and virus mutation, this will all be a moot point, won’t it?

  10. All tyrannical Governors must take the vaccine first, or they will face a firing squad.
    Blindfold optional (but make them beg for it)

    If they survive the vaccine, the public can decide if they wish to partake of it.

  11. It will get interesting tho, because supposedly electricity is being shut off in Southern California on Thanksgiving Day to prevent ‘fires’ (but we know the true reason). If they tried that shit here, I’d take my BBQ grill the to street and have a block party! COIVD…I call bullshit!

  12. I wonder if DC government employees will be required to get the shot to return to work and get their fat paychecks since their bosses are so sure that it will be “safe” and effective.
    Making their lofty status butts get the “special early treatment” shots for important people to protect them while the hoi poloi go without has a sort of sweet, “guinea pig” irony.

  13. Will you have to Quarantine & self isolate for 14 days after getting the “cure” before they give you your papers allowing you to travel outside your designated economic zone?

  14. They could just inject people with the virus as “vaccine”. Because we’re not talking about smallpox here. Right? Anyway, it’s a liability-free proposition brought to you by the federal government in 1986!

  15. I haven’t had a single vaccination since grade school in the 60’s, and I sure as hell won’t start now. Vaccines are designed to shock your system into creating the antibodies – it makes you sick to keep you from getting sick – and most have stuff in them that would turn your hair white. I REALLY encourage you to do some research.

    And the “95%” effectiveness? If your sample is real small (I’ve heard it was 94 people but can’t confirm it), and only 5% die, that’s not my idea of good odds. Apparently 100% of people have side effects from the vaccine.

    I honestly believe the vaccines are more dangerous than Covid itself, especially since Fakechi and Bill Gates have financial interests in the vaccines and drugs like remdesivir (and of course Gates’ decades-long push for population reduction). If it comes down to forced vaccinations, I’ll find a Covid patient and deliberately have them infect me.

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