Sidney Powell Claims Massive Voter Fraud in Virginia, Warns ‘See You Soon’ – IOTW Report

Sidney Powell Claims Massive Voter Fraud in Virginia, Warns ‘See You Soon’

Sidney Powell says Virginia “experienced serious election fraud against multiple conservative candidates.”

If all goes well, Virginia will deservedly get Sidney Powell’s boot up its ass.

16 Comments on Sidney Powell Claims Massive Voter Fraud in Virginia, Warns ‘See You Soon’

  1. …just kind of an interesting tidbit…

    “• George Soros does not have and has never had any ownership stake in Smartmatic.”
    …pretty defensive there, huh?

    …but also not the whole story, even to THEM, because they say in the VERY NEXT SENTENCE…

    “• It is no secret that our Chairman Lord Mark Malloch-Brown is a member of a number of non-profit boards addressing global issues from poverty reduction to conflict resolution, including the Global Board of the Open Society Foundation. This is stated clearly in his official biography.”

    …yeeeeah, I sense no bias here, none whatsoever, so go look for TrumpRussians or something, all elections are DEFINITELY honest, fo sho…/s

  2. Something happened this morning that I look at as good news.
    As late as last week the average lefty voter had not heard of Kraken or real election theft. They had only heard the media tell them Trump and his team were making accusations with not a lick of evidence.
    This morning my husband’s lefty boss brought up Kraken. He said he thinks it’s phony.
    But I see that as good news.
    This is getting too big for the propaganda arm of the Dirty Dems to ignore.
    People are learning more about all of this.
    The alternative media and social media outlets are having an effect.
    Keep the faith!

    One question I have not heard….
    If Biden does get inaugurated and a couple of months into 2021 it is proven beyond any doubt that the election was indeed a win for Pres. Trump, what happens?

  3. That John Power sure is persistent. You would think with all that money he is making he could find find a better outlet for his time, instead of bothering people, some suggestions;
    Turn your house into a wind farm
    Take in a Guatemalan family
    Donate to your local ANTIFA chapter, I hear they are running low on brass knuckles

    Note to admin, eighty-six these noxious spammers and get that pesky edit button working again, the regulars are getting surly.

  4. @Beachmom, you aksed “One question I have not heard….
    If Biden does get inaugurated and a couple of months into 2021 it is proven beyond any doubt that the election was indeed a win for Pres. Trump, what happens?”

    I had a conversation like this with a friend last night.
    We didn’t come to any conclusion about it, except my thoughts are that this is going to create something of a Constitutional problem. As I understand it the requirement for the Electoral College to present themselves to their respective State Houses on December 14th, but I cannot find anything in the Articles that calls forth this date. Maybe it’s set forth in each state, I don’t know.

    I did find a useful tool at The Heritage Foundation’s website: “Guide to the Constitution”. You can look up stuff related to the Electoral College.!/articles/2/essays/79/presidential-electors

    Here’s how I see it, but Heaven only knows if what I see as common sense is indeed how the sausage is made. It seems to me that if the election itself has been shown to have been tampered with, the electors can not, must not, go forward as though there is no election fraud, and the hard and fast date for their vote must be set aside until the matter is made clear. It does not make sense that the electors would proceed if the subject of vote is in overwhelming doubt.

    This is a really bad analogy, but it would be like taking your shoes to the cobbler with a promise made by him that they will be ready on December 14th. You go to pick up your shoes and they are not ready, in fact they have been completely disassembled and cannot be worn at all. No amount of insistence is going to make your shoes ready to wear on December 14th. It’s just not going to happen. Whatever actions you take against the cobbler are for another day, but you ain’t gonna wear those shoes on December 14th.

  5. The Electoral college elects the President, not the popular vote.

    As long as they vote according to how their State legislators appointed them to vote, the President that is inaugurated and holds the office is the Constitutionally legitimate President and remains there even if popular vote fraud is proven.

  6. Powell has been described as a registered military attorney.

    I have seen statements that being registered as a military attorney means she can prosecute TREASON at a TRIBUNAL. I don’t know how accurate that is.

    Hew wiki page has been rewritten and is now very ugly about her.

  7. It’s about time they turned the spotlight on Virginia. There is fukkery going on with VCDL and Lobby Day too.

    Retired early, bought “My Governor is an Idiot” bumper stickers. I am shocked (not) that Virginians didn’t make note of the fraud sooner.

    If December isn’t interesting, January certainly will be.

  8. I remember coming home on election day and turning on the TV. One of the first things I saw that made me go WTF was that Virginia had been called for Biden.
    This was about 6pm and Trump had a big lead with maybe 6% of precincts in. The fix was in early.

  9. If fraud is proven after the inauguration, the only constitutional remedy would be impeachment. You might think that unlikely, given who controls the House, but that is what would make it most likely. Either way, Nancy wins.

    The Dems should be concerned with her remaining as Speaker, given her stated ambition. She would throw the entire party under the bus, if it meant a chance at the presidency.

    Now, if enough of those mythical moderate Dems in the House would team with the Republicans and choose someone else as Speaker, things could get very interesting. Naah. Never going to happen.

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