Sidney Powell Discusses Weissmann/Mueller Special Counsel Destroying Evidence of Their Conduct – IOTW Report

Sidney Powell Discusses Weissmann/Mueller Special Counsel Destroying Evidence of Their Conduct


Michael Flynn defense attorney Sidney Powell appears for an interview with Liz MacDonald to discuss the developments in the Flynn case (note: Sullivan’s court appointed amicus response brief is due tomorrow), and the background information recently highlighted.  As you review this interview, retain the 30,000/ft perspective.

Ms. Powell also discusses the Weissmann/Mueller special counsel erasing evidence by wiping phones and hiding evidence of their corrupt activity.  Additionally, Liz Mac circles back to the 2017 FISA report by Rosemary Collyer to support the most recent 2019 opinion filed by the FISA court showing the NSA database search abuse is ongoing.

(1) We know to a demonstrable certainty the special counsel took apart the FBI investigative file of Washington Field Office Supervisory Special Agent Brian Dugan in order to protect their corrupt investigation and the collaborative effort of the Senate Intelligence Committee.  And Durham/Aldenberg knows that we know. more here

8 Comments on Sidney Powell Discusses Weissmann/Mueller Special Counsel Destroying Evidence of Their Conduct

  1. Everybody knows that destroying evidence is a felony. I always suspected Hillary got the OK to destroy evidence from someone in Obama’s DOJ/FBI. Weissmann and Mueller operate with the same contempt for the Constitution as Obama and Clinton.

    We should be shooting by now.

  2. DEEP STATE was just a redoubt 30 years ago. Enhanced to a citadel 18 years ago.

    To beat a citadel your need both artillery and a strong, brave army. Conservatives seem NOW to have a brave army; but it is far from strong! No artillery, maybe a catapult or 2?

    GWB has the Gen by the “short hairs”! Today conservatives are too weak to storm the wall and save Flynn!

    And every other America lover GWB’s men amBUSH.

  3. I’m certainly no expert on smart phones. I don’t even like, use or need all the bells and whistles they build into them. However, I would think if a phone’s data was “accidentally” whipped by entering the wrong password to many times, the data would still be recoverable with the right software.

    But also with the right software it could be determined if the data on the phones was whipped by using some kind of advanced erasing software that filled every bit with zeros or ones. However, maybe Apple actually does built in software that efficiently erases all data to an unrecoverable state.

    Get them under oath claiming the data was accidentally lost by entering the wrong password to many times. Determine if the phones were instead whipped by using more advanced methods, then at least nail them for perjury. [Hillary had her phones smashed with hammers for a reason. Advanced whipping software might be almost as good, but with the advantage of not looking as obviously criminal] .

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