Sidney Powell Names 4 Co-Conspirators- Prepares Massive Rico Case Against Smartmatic, Dominion – IOTW Report

Sidney Powell Names 4 Co-Conspirators- Prepares Massive Rico Case Against Smartmatic, Dominion

We Love Trump:

The Kraken is in fact, being released.

Sidney Powell just released the names of four alleged co-conspirators who led the effort to rig the election.

Powell is planning a massive RICO case against both Smartmatic and Dominion.

She went on “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” where she released more information on the voting software, and this “Cyber Pearl Harbor.”

According to Powell, her team has “reams and reams of actual documents” showing that Smartmatic and Dominion executed this entire coup.  read more

15 Comments on Sidney Powell Names 4 Co-Conspirators- Prepares Massive Rico Case Against Smartmatic, Dominion

  1. Something I’ve noticed is that no one has waged lawfare against Powell, personally. No one has played the politics of personal destruction on her. Now, if this was business as usual, this would be one of the first things the Lefties would have done; to try to discredit her. I’m wondering if the research she did for her book, “License to Lie”, is the reason? I’m wondering if the political class hoi polloi are afraid she would train that Joan D’Arc Truth Beam on them.

    Another thing: No legal pushback from the constellation of players, Dominion, et al. No statements beyond the tepid denials of wrong-doing.

  2. Something better work and soon. This nation will not survive Joe Biden and the criminal cabal he is amassing around him.

    Not so long ago two things scared me. Big hairy spiders and airplanes. It’s now a Joe Biden presidency, big hairy spiders and airplanes.

  3. …aaaand, she’ll be denied a hearing because of a lack if standing.

    Or sitting.

    Or farming.

    Or any damn excuse a liberal judge or a blackmailed judge can come up with. Doesn’t matter, the media will support them and the police will continue to follow their orders.

    This won’t be won in court.

    The courts are completely corrupted, and there is no rule of law.

    The Founders told us what to do at such times, but we’re too busy hiding from FakeFlu and following ridiculous Communist directives to do it.

    The only comfort in this is cold comfort; the Chinese are very racist and will execute their Democrat tools along with the rest of us once they’ve outlived their usefulness. They’ll keep a few basketball players and such around for ruling class amusement, but the rest of us will be reduced to ash in the most environmentally unfriendly way possible.

    All because we’re ascared.

    One or two will rise up, here and there, and be bloodily cut down. You’ll never even hear about it unless they want to show it as an example.

    The Chinese have been known to hollow out the corpses of political dissenters, plasticize them, and put them on display all over the world.

    Maybe you’ll be lucky enough or have an odd enough body to rate that.

    …hope someone dusts you off from time to time, its really all you have left to hope for…

  4. So what kind of win to loss ratio in the election suits has Sidney Powell had so far?

    Past performance may not predict future performance, but it gives a pretty good hint at what may be expected from it.

  5. She and Lin Wood have my trust.

    They are up against the Republican establishment, Democrats, Big Tech and the media. Idiots who expect this to be easy are not worthy of any respect whatsoever


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