Powell Reveals U.S. Government Patents Enabling Election Fraud: ‘Your Votes Have Been Stolen With Computer Algorithms Since 2000 – IOTW Report

Powell Reveals U.S. Government Patents Enabling Election Fraud: ‘Your Votes Have Been Stolen With Computer Algorithms Since 2000

WVW: The U.S. military has been involved in the election-stealing business for decades, presumably for the purpose of rigging the elections of foreign countries and installing leaders who would serve U.S. interests.

But now there is evidence to suggest that at some point the U.S. intelligence community took this technology and turned its accumulated expertise inward, applying it to elections here in the homeland. And the insidious intervention activities likely predate the November 2020 presidential, said super lawyer Sidney Powell in an interview with Brannon Howse Live on the WVW Broadcast Network.

One patent developed by the DoD in 2006 allows the user to predetermine an election outcome.

“Since 2005 a core group of three or four people owns all the patent technology that we’re seeing today,” Powell said. “It allows them to change votes in process, the adjudication files allow them to do that. There is an ‘access permitted’ option where [users of the software] could grant access to anyone he wishes.”

Much of this information is presented in the counter-claim lawsuit Powell filed Sept. 24 against Dominion Voting Systems, and it her answer to Dominion’s suit

Two patents are key, one from 2005 that involved the National Institutes of Health that allows the user to monitor election results in real time, and develop uses beyond what is stated in the patent itself. more here

15 Comments on Powell Reveals U.S. Government Patents Enabling Election Fraud: ‘Your Votes Have Been Stolen With Computer Algorithms Since 2000

  1. As an IT guy, this has been obvious since the get go.
    Tell me the result you want and I can deliver it.
    With no fingerprints. Perfect crime.

    The more information technology people and processes invade elections the less I trust the results.

    It’s crooked as hell.

    I vote anyway.

  2. That’s just crazy talk Sydney. Next, you’re going to tell me that there’s software in my car’s computer which allows someone to take control of it while I’m driving.

  3. Lessee, electronic voting machines, allows batch adjudication, connects to any network, allows remote logins from unverifiable admin level users, no file locking or write once file storage, log files deliberately kept short…

    Seems legit.

  4. My wife and I were just discussing voter fraud a few days ago and we both felt that it really got ramped up in 2000, but I have to admit I am surprised to find out that people actually patented it… in our doDoD at that! Not the best way to conceal skullduggery, but it worked for 20 years!
    Lazy lawyers?
    Nope! Wealthy, paid off lawyers!
    Third World tactics require Third World solutions: Paper ballots and purple fingers!

  5. I find it telling how many elected Republicans who don’t want to even discuss audits or voting machines with you. I’ve been trying, I’ve called, I’ve sent e-mails, I engage them on social media, most won’t even discuss it at all, totally ignore you. A few will say they want audits, but that our machines are safe and secure because they’re not dominion and because we use paper ballots. When you shoot back that the machines count the paper ballots, they fall back on how our election is safe and secure and that Trump won, so that proves no cheating.

    If there is this big of a brick wall in a red state, I don’t see how you can get anywhere.


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