Sidney Powell slams FBI, Obama: This was ‘orchestrated’ – IOTW Report

Sidney Powell slams FBI, Obama: This was ‘orchestrated’

Attorney Sidney Powell believes 0bama knew everything about the targeting of her client, General Michael Flynn.

19 Comments on Sidney Powell slams FBI, Obama: This was ‘orchestrated’

  1. Slams, bashes, bombshells, accusations, calling out.

    How about Handcuffed, arrested, locked up, indicted, convicted?

    THEN I’ll think some verbs are exciting. Adverbs suck.

  2. Nosce te ipsum. Who are you?!? Know thyself. Are you courageous enough to live in the truth? Ms. Powell appears to be a sincere truth seeker. I believe this woman!

  3. Sept. 2, 2016: Page texts Strozk that she was preparing the talking points because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.”

    Find that document in the FBI’s database.

  4. How could he not know? It’s impossible for him to not know. He, the DNC and the Clinton campaign were working in concert because the whole goal was to get her elected. It just doesn’t make sense looking at it any other way.

    I’ve always thought there was something in that data that was boosted off the DNC server(s) that points to Obama, Clinton and the DNC coordinating this stuff. And then the FBI is not interested in looking at the DNC’s servers? Not only did Clinton maintain her own private server(s), but Powell also talked about Obama having his own covert email name/address and exchanged info w/Clinton via her server(s). Same thing with all those Blackberrys and cel phones. This goes way back before Trump. They just never thought they’d ever get caught. It boggles the mind.

    Remember the MSNBC exec who exposed Hillary’s meltdown after her appearance in their presidential forum? Matt Lauer asked her about her private email server and she screamed about all of them swinging from the gallows if Trump won. This isn’t the best presentation of it, but it’s the most complete I could find:

    If someone had said this of, say, Laura Ingraham or Betsy DeVos I would find it unbelievable. But these kinds of stories about HRC’s vile temper are legendary, going back to the earliest days of her public life in Arkansas.

  5. …and while I’m thinking about it: Wouldn’t it just be icing on the cake if the mystery of the Awan brothers, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and the case of the Found Laptop by the Capitol police, gets solved?

  6. “Sidney Powell believes 0bama knew everything about the targeting of her client, General Michael Flynn.”

    Holy shit…..I never went much beyond H.S. and I knew this long ago.

  7. @AA – “…They just never thought they’d ever get caught…”

    That statement sums up the whole arrogant attitude of the left. They have been, and continue to be, protected by the lamestream media. But slowly and surely, by the grace of God, their deception will be revealed to and rejected by, what is still left of the decency of humanity.

  8. Speaking of Laptops, did you hear Sidney’s comments a few days ago about Anthony Wiener’s laptop? She said there was some sick stuff on it that literally made seasoned NYPD detectives puke. She said President Trump needs to get that laptop and have the military intel (not FBI) get all the info off of it before it disappears (if it hasn’t already). I believe she was implying that others besides Wiener were into some pretty sick shit.

  9. Tony R — Whatever happened to Weiner’s laptop, anyway?

    Stirrin– Isn’t this always the case. And the more outrageous the crime, the more insulated the perp thinks they are. Truth will out. I believe that wholeheartedly.

    I can imagine they’re all sweating bullets, wondering where that DNC data is.

  10. @ Abigail Adams and @Tony R – I always wondered about this story when it happened. Not sure if it was connected to the Little Anthony Wiener laptop?? I saw him once coming out of a ‘recovery program’ in a Jewish Temple early in the morning about 9:00 about…a year ago? On east 14th Street. As soon as he left, he was immediately on his phone…not much rehab there.

    (We had the temple as one of our clients, I was parking my car across the street in the garage) Crazy timing.



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