Siemens Announces Massive $10 BILLION Investment in the US, Boosting American Manufacturing and Jobs – IOTW Report

Siemens Announces Massive $10 BILLION Investment in the US, Boosting American Manufacturing and Jobs

In a major win for American industry, German multinational Siemens has announced a massive $10 billion investment in the United States, strengthening American manufacturing, AI, and job creation.

At a time when weak leadership from the Biden administration has driven businesses and investments overseas, this announcement underscores the undeniable truth: America First economic policies—championed by President Donald Trump—are the key to reviving and expanding American manufacturing.

Siemens’ expansion includes the opening of two high-tech manufacturing facilities in Fort Worth, Texas, and Pomona, California.

This $285 million initiative will create over 900 skilled manufacturing jobs and significantly expand the company’s production capacity for electric equipment. These state-of-the-art products will power America’s critical infrastructure, including AI data centers. more here

10 Comments on Siemens Announces Massive $10 BILLION Investment in the US, Boosting American Manufacturing and Jobs

  1. I would say that this is another great PDT outcome, but Germans have wrecked their economy and energy supplies so badly that German industries have no choice but to flee in order to survive. Siemens is just the first one.

    I feel bad for German workers, but they are so reflexively, robotically, green, multiculti leftist that they brought this on themselves, and when AfD tries to stop the madness, it is blocked from power. Good luck with fuhrer Merz.

    It would not surprise me to see some Hetman industries starting operations in Russia, after PDT helps to settle this Ukraine thing, because even then, Germany is intent on implementing the Morgenthau plan.

  2. And THIS is one reason to have tariffs, vs taxes.
    You make it more business friendly to have the company over HERE to avoid the import tariffs, rather than over THERE, and get hit with heavy import tariffs.


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