Signs Are Looking Good For Conservatives Worried About Amnesty – IOTW Report

Signs Are Looking Good For Conservatives Worried About Amnesty

Daily Caller: Republican senators do not plan to include amnesty for several hundred thousand illegal immigrants in a December spending bill, according to a Friday report in The Wall Street Journal.

President Donald Trump announced in September the rollback of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which protects around 800,000 illegal immigrants, and asked Congress to work on giving them legal status.

“President Trump rightfully put an end to rumors that a DACA amnesty could be part of a year-end spending bill,” R.J. Hauman, government relations director at the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), told The Daily Caller. “Fundamental changes to U.S. immigration laws must be debated openly in front of the American people – not drafted behind closed doors and attached to must-pass legislation.”

Frank Sharry, executive director of the pro-amnesty America’s Voice, told the Journal, “Delay means defeat and we are not going to stand for it.”  Continued here

8 Comments on Signs Are Looking Good For Conservatives Worried About Amnesty

  1. It’s weird…I clicked on that same article on WZ that ‘Bob’ did, must have been posted in error. I got all excited until I read it and had that feeling of deja vu.

    Read an article at AT about how many Repubs are retiring, the author seemed to think it was a bad thing.

    I think it’s establishment types having hissy fits because they can’t screw over the American people. Trump won’t let ’em.

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