Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time – IOTW Report

Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time

Here’s what silenced healthcare workers from all over the world want you to know and why they aren’t able to speak out directly.

Steve Kirsch

I created a form to ask healthcare workers to speak anonymously about what they are seeing.

Here’s what they said in their own words.

Here is a quick summary of some of the things they said:

  1. They are afraid to come out publicly due to intimidation tactics such as loss of job and/or license to practice medicine.
  2. Unvaccinated healthcare workers are extremely upset with the medical community. They feel they have been treated unfairly.
  3. It is the vaccinated workers who are getting sick with COVID, but it is the unvaccinated who are punished with constant testing, restrictions, and threats of losing their jobs.
  4. The COVID shots are a disaster. Even for the elderly which is supposed to be the most compelling use case, death rates in elderly homes went up by a factor of 5 after the shots rolled out. Each time the shots are given, the deaths spike. Nobody is talking publicly about this. It’s not allowed.
  5. Doctors are seeing rates of injury and death increase dramatically in all ages of people. The injuries are only happening to the vaccinated. There is no doubt that this is happening but many doctors have so much cognitive dissonance that they don’t see it.
  6. One nurse with 23 years of experience says she’s never heard of anyone under 20 dying from cardiac issues until the vaccines rolled out. Now she knows of around 30 deaths.
  7. “I have been a nurse for 36 years. I have NEVER witnessed people in their 20s and 30s having strokes, atrial fibrillation, or cardiomyopathies until the Covid vaccines. I work in cardiology. When I mention that someone should look at the vaccines as a possible reason, I am immediately silenced and told, “It is NOT from the vaccine.””


10 Comments on Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time

  1. The power of the word spoken in communities and neighborhoods between ordinary average people has more lasting energy, alerts/warnings, and advertising than all the insideous vaxx-demands publicity in the world.There is uber-power in naming a thing for what it actually is.

  2. Health care workers spoke out plenty. Drs Cole, Gold, Malone, McCullough, Doshi… gave tons of fucking warning about these injections and the evil harm they were doing.

    Our legacy media and corrupt politicians had other agendas, so fuck them. If you’re watching TV for your information, you’re an idiot and deserve what’s happening to you for buying into the fear porn.

    To this day, despite information like this huge clinical trial- I linked to in a number of back & forths, people still insist the vax is safe and I’m purposely lying & getting people killed.

    I tell them the fucking CDC just did a complete 180 on all their bullshit mandates, lockdowns and social distancing crap and what is their response? Nada. Fuck them all.

    Almost 5 million unvaxxed ILLEGAL ALIENS have poured across the border in the last couple years and Novak can’t play the US Open. Give me a break, this government is fucking whack.

  3. The leftists and their media hacks are blaming Trump now.
    Pres. Trump, however, never said the shots should be mandatory. We also now know Scarf Queen Birx said they lied to Trump to keep the preferred narrative going. We know Fauxci lied. Basically the WH advisors on healthcare were protecting their budgets and patents.

    The real blame goes to those liars and the hospitals that lie on death certificates, (ME Med) for the death bounty and favors from Pfizer. The media for protecting the advertising dollars by big pharma and the control freak tyrant Governors.

  4. mystaclean August 27, 2022 at 6:36 am

    Why did the CDC change their tune so radically? It’s setting off my bullshit detector. Something’s fucky.

    The powers are going to the conservatives who claim they’re going after you all. I don’t care what they do, I warned my children, I was successful there. I warned friends, some listened some didn’t. Whenever I see the ones who decided to get the jab, they avoid me because they’re scared %hitless. Their fear took over their minds – they regret not listening.

  5. Beachmom August 27, 2022 at 8:03 am

    The leftists and their media hacks are blaming Trump now.
    Pres. Trump, however, never said the shots should be mandatory

    Does not matter, he pushed it:

    As many Republicans continue to resist the vaccine, and as ambitious and outspoken Republicans increasingly flirt with vaccine skeptics in their base — as best exemplified by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) — the leader of the Republican Party has stuck to his guns in promoting the vaccine. He has done so even when jeered at or booed for it, as has now repeatedly happened. And the totality of his commentary on the matter is worth emphasizing as we continue to confront intractable vaccine skepticism.

    (Get what DeSantis said above?)

    Trump disclosed in an interview Sunday that he has gotten his booster. He did so despite claiming in a Fox Business Network interview in August that the boosters might be a Big Pharma money-grab. He also did so despite saying in September that he probably wouldn’t get a booster. If Trump turned the corner on that, maybe those who think he Made America Great Again might take notice?

    February: ‘Everybody, go get your shot”

    Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Trump said, “We took care of a lot of people — including, I guess, on December 21st, we took care of Joe Biden, because he got his shot, he got his vaccine. … It shows you how unpainful that vaccine shot is.”

    Trump added: “So everybody, go get your shot.”

    March: ‘I would recommend it to’ my vaccine-skeptic allies

    In a Fox News interview, Trump said, “I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly.”

    He also repudiated claims that the vaccines aren’t safe: “It’s a great vaccine, it’s a safe vaccine, and it’s something that works.”

    Mid-April: Defended safety of Johnson & Johnson vaccine

    After the federal government paused its authorization of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, in light of rare blood-clotting issue which vaccine skeptics seized upon, Trump excoriated the decision and pointed to the minimal adverse effects.

    Late April: ‘The vaccine is a great thing, and people should take advantage of it’

    Trump told the New York Post: “I’m all in favor of the vaccine. It’s one of the great achievements, a true miracle, and not only for the United States. We’re saving tens of millions of lives throughout the world. We’re saving entire countries.”

    Lots more at the link:

    Trump was set up most likely – it was the plan. He swallowed and ran with it to be the “hero.” It bit him instead and now he owns it. I knew this would happen – I guess some of us didn’t trust him on the jab. There’s plenty out there that will be the demise of Trump. They’re saving the best for last.

  6. I have a very limited view of the braoder health crisis as a sometime first responder in a ~500 line employee (local, international is far more) company, but I also have a decade of ambulance experience in a district of ~50,000 odd people at the time to compare it to.

    And the most striking thing about it is the number of YOUNG people who have had “unexplained” health crises in the last 2 years just in THAT small pool, compared to those 10 years in a much larger one where that was my PRIMARY job. This mirrors the experiences in the comments in this article.

    Just within the fairly small subset of “people that work on my shift in my factory on our campus that I have direct knowledge of”, I have had a 19 yo male die of an unexplained (even after autopsy) full cardiac arrest, a 23 yo female having a series of seizures on the factory floor, a 25 yo who had a BP of 160 over 100 with a pulse of 110 who was incoherent and drooling, and a 26 yo who was talking and joking before he fell to the pavement in the smoking area and quit breathing for a time until given aggressive resuscitation, who has never come back, among others.

    And those are just the more dramatic ones, and leave out the ones that happened offsite, like the 36 yo male African that died driving his car to work and only the panicked actions of his passenger kept him from killing multiple people in a headon, for a particularly glaring example.

    Could be other things? Sure. I don’t get medical hx in my role, especially from unconcious/dead people. I did pursue the death of the 19 yo some because it was so jarring, but I had to find out from people who knew him that he was recently vaxxed, this li’l detail somehow escaped the oddly conflicted and very inconclusive publicly available coroner’s report, as I posted here in some detail before. Otherwise, I do not know as it is frankly none of my business if the living do not or can not share this info.

    But I’ve been in the same place for almost 30 years doing the same thing with people doing the same thing, and this last couple of years has been pretty odd, to say the least. Nothing like this ever happened BEFORE late 2021. I had old dudes go down a couple of times, sure, but they were salvageable and had known or easily established deficits that made it pretty easily explainable. Not like these young people in the last couple of years.

    IDK, I could be connecting dots that don’t connect. Things cluster sometimes. But in the time I ran the streets in the Magic Bus, most young people I saw were traumatic injury, the occasional poisoning, and general youthful stupidity. Cardiac events that didn’t involve electric shocks, congenital problems, poisoning, or trauma were exceedingly rare. I only saw ONE person under 40 die of an unexpected cardiac event, and THAT was an undiscovered aortic aneurysm that blew out while playing basketball.

    But the vaxxines are still out there, and more and more counties are reporting a resugence in Covid. Haven’t seen our RINO Governor tell his “SaFe AnD eFfEcTiVe” lie lately, but they are still pushed silently at every place that has a pharmacy, and still required by every “healthcare” employer and most government entities.

    My employer never required it, thanks to a last-minute court ruling coupled with the extreme difficulty of getting skilled workers in the first place, but I was prepared to step out if they had. I’ve seen enough to draw my own conclusions.

    But not everyone has. Normalcy bias, media obfuscation, in-the-tank doctors, and just the general unwillingness among most people who do not see this stuff to believe that their government will conduct medical experiments on them is a powerful motive force, as are mandates by employers and a genuine, if ill-informed, desire to protect one’s children from a disease that doesn’t strike them in the first place, because “the school says we should”.

    This should make for an interesting winter.

  7. Goldenfoxx, I know you’re one of the few of us who have been warning he needed to shut about the jabs and that when they can no longer hide the truth they will blame him.

  8. Supernightshade AUGUST 27, 2022 AT 10:15 AM

    \”But not everyone has. Normalcy bias, media obfuscation, in-the-tank doctors, and just the general unwillingness among most people who do not see this stuff to believe that their government will conduct medical experiments on them is a powerful motive force, as are mandates by employers and a genuine, if ill-informed, desire to protect one’s children from a disease that doesn’t strike them in the first place, because “the school says we should”.

    This should make for an interesting winter.\”

    You\’ve suggested privately that I post some of my personal experience with the tragedy of the \”JAB\” on previous threads. My problem is \”Anymouse\” really ain\’t anonymous. Hell my two are even pictured (yes the photo is over fifteen years old) in a thread earlier from last night. They are both in medicine and every negative thing I\’ve come to read or see is bore out with first hand experience.

    Can\’t do specifics…

    How to not compromise their situations or cast aspersion their way (not talking holy water here). Love them more than life itself.

    One side (the couple) surrendered initially for both to maintain the ability to continue with their job/practice (they\’ve paid dearly). Other side with the couple refusing and complicating the ability to continue to practice (only one in medicine) and live life without dealing with onerous complications put on them by their careers and world they live in.

    Again I say the JAB is only just beginning to do its work for the \”RESET\” and we are only seeing bits and pieces of the negative consequences.

    I ain\’t a religious man, but hope and pray those who only got the first dose and others with more might not be effected until there might be a reversal found or perhaps not as compromised by whatever version or number of doses received. That is for those still sucking air!

    I primarily check in on the weekends and hope this doesn\’t get validated with the reasons why I try hard to not comment.

    If you know someone in \”health care\” or any related fields that give NUMBERS and/or STATS it is as obvious as a boil on the middle of your chin. Even the government websites have the info if you\’ll take the time to filter through it.

    Have deleted a number of these without posting and not sure why I\’m hitting post this time. Sore subject and sad and angry with it


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