Silicon Valley Titan Marc Andreessen Explains His Shift to Supporting Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Silicon Valley Titan Marc Andreessen Explains His Shift to Supporting Donald Trump

Breitbart: Marc Andreessen, co-founder of prominent venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), has announced his support for former President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race, marking a significant departure from his long-standing allegiance to the Democrat party. more

15 Comments on Silicon Valley Titan Marc Andreessen Explains His Shift to Supporting Donald Trump

  1. But big as shit he did just leave out J.D.s time in the Marines. Which really doesn’t fit with the rest of his narrative. It’s understandable why he left it out.
    I quit reading him about 6 years ago. Over an equally obvious mistake.
    I’m not a J.D. fan boy by any means. Others have expressed more legit concerns than this. I do have to say I was pretty happy with his performance at the debates. I guess we’ll see how it works out.

  2. Everyone please stop worrying. It’ll all come out of the wash. The next 4 years either makes or breaks our Republic. President Trump is the only man who understands this. And don’t get me wrong, he doesn’t understand all of it but he’s the only one who understands any of it!

    Will soon see what he really understands. We will hitch our wagon to his star.

  3. Say What, I would advise going back through the archives if they’re still available and see how often he has been wrong.

    Search for a recent one where he said if Trump chose Vance then it means Trump is compromised.
    He now hates Don Jr, Tucker, and several others.
    Another very recent post was where he shared a tweet by Elon and carbon tax and laid that at the feet of Vance as well. Looked like a total idiot when Trump came out right after and called the green shit a scam.

    I don’t know what his game plan is right now, probably more donations because his cult hangs on his every word and sends him more money. I just read some comments on that post though and it seems some are pushing back on him. I guess they also don’t know soon they will be banned if they continue.

  4. general malaise

    As they say, in for a penny, in for a pound. I’m getting a little tired of someone some where that’s supposed to be on our side paint a guy like J.D as the Anti Christ when they clearly have not done all their home work. Controversy is good for business I guess.

  5. I can only believe that President Trump learned from the mistakes he made in his last administration, and that HE chose Vance, not the swamp.

    President Trump has done his homework concerning repairing this failing Republic. I can only believe he has done his homework on JD Vance.

    Plus, and article that describes a mysterious individual that went from rags to riches only from the charity of the Bloomberg Conference, while not including a primary positive in his past, is something to take with a grain of salt.

    I trust President Trump. He’s all we have at this point, and I believe he’s all we need.

  6. 25% UNREALIZED CAPITAL GAINS TAX is the FJB proposal.

    The guy apologized to his mother for supporting Trump who is promising to give them what they want. He almost called FJB a Communist.

  7. “25% UNREALIZED CAPITAL GAINS TAX is the FJB proposal. ”

    I wonder how many people really realize what that means? Worse than socialism. That’s outright theft.


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