Breitbart: Foreign H-1B visa workers received starting salaries about 10 percent less than their American counterparts at Deloitte, a multinational accounting firm whose wage data was hacked and published.
The H-1B visa program, created by former President George H.W. Bush, allows companies to import hundreds of thousands of foreign workers — primarily from India and China — to take white-collar American jobs under the guise that there is a “labor shortage,” particularly in STEM occupations. See more
Hey look… 3 stories in a row on the H1b Visa Scam.
Its just one out of thousands of examples where big government is destroying the taxpayers. Quite frankly its importance is pretty low on the 36 trillion dollar fiscal cliff we are heading for at 120 mph. But hey, it does pit Elon, Vivek and silicon valley against MAGA/Trump so let pound that rock into the ground people!
Change the title to say “AT LEAST 10%…”.
Between this and moving tech jobs overseas our citizen tech workforce is being decimated.
I see it first hand every time I walk through the aisles of cubes where I work. I can’t pronounce most of the names on the door tags. In one instance, two tags were needed to complete the person’s name: “Mahanidhi Sivaramakrishnan”.
Meanwhile, our universities are conning our children into getting worthless liberal arts degrees while giving all the tech degrees to foreigners.
H-1B Visa Workers Accepted 10% Less than American Counterparts.
Probably could have gotten them for much less.
Whilst working for AMD in Austin in 1991 on what became the AM486, I went to the INS office in San Antonio to snitch that AMD was hiring H1-B Chinganese and Dot-Injun workers on contract to skirt IRS regulations and to undercut U.S. citizen contract engineering rates. Response … crickets. That was my first U.S. government black pill.
Musk better figure out real quickly that this is a loosing issue. There is absolutely no popular support for his position on this issue. The big problem is that unless and until our domestic education system is fixed, there is a legitimate need to look outside of America for talented and educated engineers. What American universities are turning out is indoctrinated half wits, who quite frankly are not only unqualified, they are a pain in the ass.
We missed two big opportunities in the ’90s:
1. Create a sustainable business relationship with Russia, and
2. Teach technology as a trade in high school instead of pushing college.
Side note: We also failed by not promoting all the other trades as well.
So… I have a hard STEM degree, which puts me in that 3% category by default. I left my field because without an MSci I couldn’t get paid more than $13/hr back in ’94. I have an advanced ham radio license, background in both analog and digital electronics, and I can make Unix/Linux do pretty much whatever you need it to do. So I jumped on the dot-com thing and rode the next 30 years. I’ve worked with people from all over the world. Indians, Brits, Poles, Russians, Chinese, French, Israeli’s, etc… There quite a bit of variation in ability & attitude, and some stereotypical behaviors amongst them. Of those on H1B’s, one thing stood out: The Indians like to go home for a month/yr, and will often work remotely for a week to cover the vacation requirement, but they don’t want to go home permanently.
On an H1B, you get laid off, you have 60 days to find another seat that will sponsor your visa, or leave the country. This promotes some interesting behaviors. They will backstab you, they will work 10 – 12 hour days. As they move up into management, the caste thing is still there despite their denials. With that departure requirement hanging over their head, when a layoff happens the Hindi mafia finds seats for as many as they can. If they go home, those 10 – 12 hour days turn into 14 – 16 hour days demanded by some billionaire Brahmin. Their goal if they have to return home is to return home so rich they can retire in their village on a landed estate. The H1B is their golden ticket. They take care of their own, and no matter how friendly they may seem, you’re not one of them.
Of the others… The Brits are a mix, the French are all kinds of fun and great coders. The Poles are surprisingly good. The Russians are really good at detailed logic, but kind of paranoid & standoffish. The Israeli’s are geniuses to the point of being arrogant. I found a bug in one’s code once, and literally got shunned. The bug got closed, and a shadow bug for the same issue opened by another Israeli.
But to make the point I wanted to make… The H1B doesn’t seem to be a problem with peer countries. The Brits, French, etc… They have no incentive to game the visa process. The problem is the lesser developed countries game it to enrich themselves at our expense.
I got laid off back in August. The final 3 years of the project was rotating H1B’s thru and then doing a product development cycle with a team in India as a peer to the team here in Texas. At the end of that cycle, 75% of the Texas team was let go, and the project off-shored to Bangalore.
I’ve managed to land one interview since then… H1B needs to be deeply reworked. As it is currently configured, all it does is harm skilled Americans, and give rich tech oligarchs indentured servants.
Shouldn’t Liberals be screaming “SLAVERY!”
Maybe the H1Bees just aren’t Black enough…
Meanwhile democRATz say: “It’s OK when we do it!”
H1B visa rigging and scamming has been going on for at least 30 years. And now with DEI it has just graduated to open discrimination against white males.
At this point though, I think the smart move is for white males to engage in startup businesses and be totally discriminatory in their hiring practices. Don’t hire midwit jeets. Hire smart US white guys. If the jeets can rig a system in their own favor, pay those bastards back in kind.
As an IT Project Manager with a BS in Computer Science and Certs from Lotus, Microsoft, Cisco, and Project Management I made less than my school teacher wife that had a Master’s degree in the 90’s.The H1B employees made 75% of the tech’s that had only certs.
I found it interesting that Mark Dice would go as far as attacking J.D. Vance for being married to an Indian woman… then end his spheel promoting his latest book, “The War On Conservatives”. You never know who your friends are, do you?
Why is that a secret?
I worked for a Fortune 50 Company for 35 years and at day 1, they hired H-1B workers from India and China. They prevented me from getting a promotion because they were at a lower pay scale and did similar work. Yeah, I’m a White Anglo-Saxon Male of European decent and I am proud of my heritage and fear G-d at the same time. These H-1B workers would take my office chair and drag it into a conference room because it took 3 times as many of them to do the work I was doing. The shocker is I had to constantly fumigate my chair because I was left with scabies 3 times. They would use their hands at the cafeteria salad buffet instead of the utensils. I finally chained my chair to my desk and brought my lunch.
The jeets literally worship shit.